Tower of Power Centre for Entrepreneurship Education and Development

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Tower of Power Centre for Entrepreneurship Education and Development создатель Mind Map: Tower of Power Centre for Entrepreneurship Education and Development

1. Introduction to Entrepreneurship

1.1. 12

1.1.1. Entrepreneurship 12 Outcome 1:Learners will analyse entrepreneurial opportunities in relation to the individual, family, and various cultures and community constructs. Analyse entrepreneurship as a career choice.

1.2. 11

1.2.1. Career Development 11

1.3. 10

1.3.1. Career Development 10

1.4. 9

1.4.1. Citizenship 9 Outcome 3: Learners will evaluate personal skills, strengths, interests, and goals as a current and future citizen, as members of various groups of people, and within various community constructs. Evaluate personal skills, strengths, challenges, and interests Outcome 5: Learners will investigate how effective decision-making and informed participation in society affect, and are affected by, personal financial management. Investigate the impact of informed decisions

1.5. 8

1.6. 7

1.7. 6

1.7.1. ELA 6 1 Listening and Speaking. Students will communicate effectively and clearly and respond personally and critically, respecting cultural contexts. 2: Listening and Speaking Students will interact with sensitivity and respect, considering cultural contexts, audience, purpose, and situation.

1.7.2. Social Studies 6 1. Students will explore the concept of culture and demonstrate an understanding of its role in their lives, inclusive of Acadians, African Nova Scotians, Gaels, Mi’kmaq, and additional cultures. Classify elements of culture as material or non-material. Explore the role of culture in their own lives. Identify factors that shape culture. Investigate how culture is passed on from generation to generation.

1.8. 5

1.8.1. ELA 5 1 Listening and Speaking. Students will communicate effectively and clearly and respond personally and critically, respecting cultural contexts. 2: Listening and Speaking Students will interact with sensitivity and respect, considering cultural contexts, audience, purpose, and situation.

1.8.2. Social Studies 5 ● Communicate understandings about primary source artefacts (origin, materials made from, possible uses, and who used them). ● Discuss why we learn about the past. → this point is touched upon throughout the workshop as we touch upon past strategies in business and how entrepreneurship is a way of life. The Mi’kmaq culture is a great example of how entrepreneurship is woven into daily life and which enables students to be more open to different perspectives, ideas and think of others outside their own community when thinking about potential customers and benefits for them. ● Investigate the role of oral storytellers, Elders, archaeologists and historians to help us learn about the past. ● Reflect on differences between the present and the past. → “you don’t need to reinvent the wheel” is often a phrase reiterated during this workshop. Facilitators offer examples of past global and local businesses and advise students to think of new ways to solve a similar problem or implement a new, unique element to a familiar market.

1.9. 4

1.9.1. ELA 4 1 Listening and Speaking. Students will communicate effectively and clearly and respond personally and critically, respecting cultural contexts. Actively listen in a variety of collaborative learning experiences showing an awareness of when to listen and when to speak. Respond personally and critically to clarify information. Explain personal opinions and respond to questions of others. Consider others’ responses and offer opinions supported by one or two reasons. Use complex sentences that/use grade-appropriate vocabulary with some detail. 2: Listening and Speaking Students will interact with sensitivity and respect, considering cultural contexts, audience, purpose, and situation. Converse and collaborate in a variety of situations with growing sensitivity and respect, considering cultural contexts, audience, and purpose. Continue to make language choices that affirm sensitivity and respect to the ideas and experiences of others. Use language showing a growing awareness of audiences and situations.

1.9.2. Science 4

1.9.3. Social Studies 4 ● Share and discuss personal experiences of exploration. → students also have this opportunity during the reflection period when they are asked to look back on the process of creating their product/service idea and share the dynamics that impacted their group. → at the point where the workshop is briefly paused, students are able to assess the progress of their towers, share individual assessments and explore ways to move forward as a team. → students have the opportunity to share personal experiences of being exposed (seeing) or engaging in different entrepreneurial ventures individually, within a group or within a family. ● Categorize a range of personal experiences in relation to exploration. → as every student brings personal experiences with them into the classroom, each comes with a set of skills that do not match others completely. Thus, groups are able to identify team roles in combination with appropriate skills. ● Investigate explorers within the local community. → facilitators speak to this by drawing attention to local entrepreneurs and using local businesses for activity examples. ● Reflect upon why we explore. → in reflection, students speak to what worked well, what didn’t work, what obstacles arose and what they did about it. This activity channels students into a state of introspection to identify the benefits of exploring different ways of thinking and interacting with others. ● Reflect upon how we explore. → as facilitators, we emphasize creativity as a way to explore. Creativity involves curious inquiry, experimenting, talking with others and listening to others. This process encourages students to apply this approach in different domains of exploration guided by curiosity, the will to learn from and work with others, as well as utilising unique ideas & talents to discover solutions.

2. Pause and Assess

2.1. 12

2.1.1. Entrepreneurship 12 Learners will analyze entrepreneurial opportunities in relation to the individual, CZ/COM/PCD/CT Investigate the roles of leadership and teamwork in entrepreneurial ventures CZ/COM/PCD Analyse personal characteristics and skills reflective of entrepreneurs and the entrepreneurial mindset (CZ/COM/CT)

2.2. 11

2.2.1. Career Development 11 Module 2: 2.5 make decisions that reflect an understanding of workplace ethics, norms, and values (Collaboration) Module 3: Financial Management .1 make life and work decisions that reflect financial realities 3.2 access and use resources related to financial management and planning

2.3. 10

2.3.1. Career Development 10 Module 5: Life Work Portfolio 5.2 include items that illustrate their interests and abilities

2.3.2. Math 10 RF03 Students will be expected to demonstrate an understanding of slope with respect to rise and run, line segments and lines, rate of change, parallel lines, and perpendicular lines. RF04 Students will be expected to describe and represent linear relations, using words, ordered pairs, tables of values, graphs, and equations.

2.4. 9

2.4.1. Citizenship 9

2.5. 8

2.5.1. Math 8 N05 Students will be expected to solve problems that involve rates, ratios, and proportional reasoning. N05.05 Use multiplicative relationships to compare quantities and to predict the value of one quantity based on the values of another. N05.08 Solve a proportion using mental mathematics, pencil and paper, or technology, as appropriate.

2.6. 7

2.7. 6

2.7.1. ELA 6 2: Listening and Speaking Students will interact with sensitivity and respect, considering cultural contexts, audience, purpose, and situation. Converse and collaborate in a variety of situations with sensitivity and respect, considering cultural contexts, audience, and purpose.

2.8. 5

2.8.1. ELA 5 2: Listening and Speaking Students will interact with sensitivity and respect, considering cultural contexts, audience, purpose, and situation. Converse and collaborate in a variety of situations with increasing sensitivity and respect, considering cultural contexts, audience, and purpose.

2.8.2. Math 5 N05 Students will be expected to demonstrate, with and without concrete materials, an understanding of multiplication (two-digit by two-digit) to solve problems. N05.05 Solve a given multiplication problem in context, using personal strategies, and record the process N11 Students will be expected to demonstrate an understanding of addition and subtraction of decimals (limited to thousandths) N11.04 Solve problems that involve addition and subtraction of decimals, limited to thousandths, using personal strategies.

2.9. 4

2.9.1. ELA 4 2: Listening and Speaking Students will interact with sensitivity and respect, considering cultural contexts, audience, purpose, and situation. Converse and collaborate in a variety of situations with growing sensitivity and respect, considering cultural contexts, audience, and purpose.

2.9.2. Science 4

2.10. Social Studies 4

2.10.1. 1: Students will examine the concept of exploration. * Share and discuss personal experiences of exploration. * Reflect upon why we explore. * Reflect upon how we explore.

3. Plan your tower

3.1. 12

3.1.1. Entrepreneurship 12 Learners will evaluate the skills and roles of a team when collaborating and consulting in entrepreneurial ventures.

3.2. 11

3.2.1. Career Development 11 Module 2: Work Culture 2.5 make decisions that reflect an understanding of workplace ethics, norms, and values (Collaboration)

3.3. 10

3.3.1. Career Development 10 Module 1; Personal Development 1.2 develop effective communication and teamwork skills 1.3 effectively manage personal relationships and conflicts

3.3.2. Math 10 FM01 Students will be expected to solve problems that involve unit pricing and currency exchange, using proportional reasoning. FM01.01 Compare the unit price of two or more given items. FM01.02 Solve problems that involve determining the best buy, and explain the choice in terms of the cost as well as other factors, such as quality and quantity.

3.4. 9

3.4.1. Citizenship 9 Outcome 5: Learners will investigate how effective decision-making and informed participation in society affect, and are affected by, personal financial management. Investigate the impact of informed decisions

3.5. 8

3.5.1. Math 8 N05 Students will be expected to solve problems that involve rates, ratios, and proportional reasoning. N05.05 Use multiplicative relationships to compare quantities and to predict the value of one quantity based on the values of another. N05.08 Solve a proportion using mental mathematics, pencil and paper, or technology, as appropriate.

3.6. 7

3.6.1. Math 7 N02 Students will be expected to demonstrate an understanding of the addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division of decimals to solve problems (for more than one-digit divisors or more than two-digit multipliers, the use of technology is expected). N02.05 Create and solve a given problem involving the addition of two or more decimal numbers. N02.06 Create and solve a given problem involving the subtraction of decimal numbers. N02.07 Create and solve a given problem involving the multiplication of decimal numbers.

3.7. 6

3.7.1. ELA 6 2: Listening and Speaking Students will interact with sensitivity and respect, considering cultural contexts, audience, purpose, and situation. Converse and collaborate in a variety of situations with sensitivity and respect, considering cultural contexts, audience, and purpose.

3.7.2. Math 6 N02 Students will be expected to solve problems involving whole numbers and decimal numbers. N02.02 Identify which operation is necessary to solve a given problem and solve it. N02.06 Use technology, mental mathematics, or paper-and-pencil calculation to solve problems involving the addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division of whole numbers.

3.8. 5

3.8.1. ELA 5 2: Listening and Speaking Students will interact with sensitivity and respect, considering cultural contexts, audience, purpose, and situation. Converse and collaborate in a variety of situations with increasing sensitivity and respect, considering cultural contexts, audience, and purpose.

3.8.2. Math 5 N05 Students will be expected to demonstrate, with and without concrete materials, an understanding of multiplication (two-digit by two-digit) to solve problems. N05.05 Solve a given multiplication problem in context, using personal strategies, and record the process N11 Students will be expected to demonstrate an understanding of addition and subtraction of decimals (limited to thousandths) N11.04 Solve problems that involve addition and subtraction of decimals, limited to thousandths, using personal strategies.

3.9. 4

3.9.1. ELA 4 2: Listening and Speaking Students will interact with sensitivity and respect, considering cultural contexts, audience, purpose, and situation. Converse and collaborate in a variety of situations with growing sensitivity and respect, considering cultural contexts, audience, and purpose.

3.9.2. Science 4

3.9.3. Social Studies 4 1: Students will examine the concept of exploration. * Share and discuss personal experiences of exploration. * Reflect upon how we explore. 2: Students will examine the stories of various explorers, inclusive of Acadians, ANS, Gaels, Mi'kmaq and additional cultures of land, ocean, space and ideas. * Compare different types of exploration. * Investigate the motivations for various explorers. * Examine the relationship between exploration and innovation.

3.9.4. Math 4 N03 Students will be expected to demonstrate an understanding of addition and subtraction of numbers with answers to 10 000 (limited to three- and four-digit numerals) by solving problems involving addition and subtraction N03.02 Determine the sum of two given numbers, limited to three- and four-digit numerals, using a personal strategy, and record the process symbolically. N03.03 Determine the difference of two given numbers, limited to three- and four-digit numerals, using a personal strategy, and record the process symbolically. N03.06 Create and solve problems that involve addition and subtraction of two or more numbers, limited to three- and four-digit numerals. N03.08 Determine a sum or difference of one-, two-, and three-digit numerals efficiently, using mental mathematics strategies. N06 Students will be expected to demonstrate an understanding of multiplication (one-, two-, or three-digit by one-digit numerals) to solve problems N06.01 Model a given multiplication problem, using the distributive property (e.g., 8 × 365 = (8 × 300) + (8 × 60) + (8 × 5)).

4. Purchase supplies + Build

4.1. 12

4.1.1. Entrepreneurship 12 Outcome 1:Learners will analyze entrepreneurial opportunities in relation to the individual, CZ/COM/PCD/CT (Indicator) Outcome 2 :Analyse personal characteristics and skills reflective of entrepreneurs and the entrepreneurial mindset (CZ/COM/CT) (Indicator) Outcome 4:Investigate the roles of leadership and teamwork in entrepreneurial ventures CZ/COM/PCD (Indicator) Outcome 4:Reflect on the effectiveness of the teamwork process CZ/COM/PCD/CT (Indicator)

4.2. 11

4.2.1. Career Development 11 Module 2: Work Culture 2.5 make decisions that reflect an understanding of workplace ethics, norms, and values (Collaboration) Module 3: Financial Management 3.1 make life and work decisions that reflect financial realities 3.2 access and use resources related to financial management and planning

4.3. 10

4.3.1. Career Development 10 Module 1 Personal Development 1.2develop effective communication and teamwork skills 1.3 effectively manage personal relationships and conflicts

4.4. 9

4.4.1. Citizenship 9 Outcome 3: Learners will evaluate personal skills, strengths, interests, and goals as a current and future citizen, as members of various groups of people, and within various community constructs. Evaluate personal skills strengths and interest

4.5. 8

4.5.1. Math 8 N05 Students will be expected to solve problems that involve rates, ratios, and proportional reasoning. N05.05 Use multiplicative relationships to compare quantities and to predict the value of one quantity based on the values of another. N05.08 Solve a proportion using mental mathematics, pencil and paper, or technology, as appropriate.

4.6. 7

4.6.1. Math 7 N02 Students will be expected to demonstrate an understanding of the addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division of decimals to solve problems (for more than one-digit divisors or more than two-digit multipliers, the use of technology is expected). N02.07 Create and solve a given problem involving the multiplication of decimal numbers. N02.06 Create and solve a given problem involving the subtraction of decimal numbers. N02.05 Create and solve a given problem involving the addition of two or more decimal numbers.

4.7. 6

4.7.1. ELA 6

4.7.2. Math 6 N02 Students will be expected to solve problems involving whole numbers and decimal numbers. N02.02 Identify which operation is necessary to solve a given problem and solve it. N02.06 Use technology, mental mathematics, or paper-and-pencil calculation to solve problems involving the addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division of whole numbers.

4.8. 5

4.8.1. Math 5 N05 Students will be expected to demonstrate, with and without concrete materials, an understanding of multiplication (two-digit by two-digit) to solve problems. N05.05 Solve a given multiplication problem in context, using personal strategies, and record the process N11 Students will be expected to demonstrate an understanding of addition and subtraction of decimals (limited to thousandths) N11.04 Solve problems that involve addition and subtraction of decimals, limited to thousandths, using personal strategies.

4.8.2. ELA 5 Converse and collaborate in a variety of situations with increasing sensitivity and respect, considering cultural contexts, audience, and purpose.

4.9. 4

4.9.1. ELA 4

4.9.2. Science 4

4.9.3. Social Studies 4 2: Students will examine the stories of various explorers, inclusive of Acadians, ANS, Gaels, Mi'kmaq and additional cultures of land, ocean, space and ideas. * Infer the risks and challenges faced by explorers. * Examine the relationship between exploration and innovation. 3: Students will examine the impact of exploration. * Recognise that exploration leads to change in peoples' views and attitudes.

4.9.4. Math 4 N03 Students will be expected to demonstrate an understanding of addition and subtraction of numbers with answers to 10 000 (limited to three- and four-digit numerals) by solving problems involving addition and subtraction N03.02 Determine the sum of two given numbers, limited to three- and four-digit numerals, using a personal strategy, and record the process symbolically. N03.03 Determine the difference of two given numbers, limited to three- and four-digit numerals, using a personal strategy, and record the process symbolically. N03.06 Create and solve problems that involve addition and subtraction of two or more numbers, limited to three- and four-digit numerals. N03.08 Determine a sum or difference of one-, two-, and three-digit numerals efficiently, using mental mathematics strategies. N06 Students will be expected to demonstrate an understanding of multiplication (one-, two-, or three-digit by one-digit numerals) to solve problems N06.01 Model a given multiplication problem, using the distributive property (e.g., 8 × 365 = (8 × 300) + (8 × 60) + (8 × 5)).

5. Finish Building

5.1. 12

5.1.1. Entrepreneurship 12 Investigate the roles of leadership and teamwork in entrepreneurial ventures

5.2. 11

5.2.1. Career Development 11

5.3. 10

5.3.1. Career Development 10

5.4. 9

5.4.1. Citizenship 9

5.5. 8

5.6. 7

5.7. 6

5.7.1. ELA 6

5.8. 5

5.8.1. ELA 5

5.9. 4

5.9.1. ELA 4

5.9.2. Science 4

5.9.3. Info Tech 4

6. Measure and calculate

6.1. 12

6.1.1. Entrepreneurship 12 Reflect on the effectiveness of the teamwork process

6.2. 11

6.2.1. Career Development 11 Module 3 Financial Management 3.1 make life and work decisions that reflect financial realities 3.2 access and use resources related to financial management and planning

6.3. 10

6.3.1. Career Development 10 Module 2

6.3.2. Math 10 M01 Students will be expected to solve problems that involve linear measurement, using SI and imperial units of measure, estimation strategies, and measurement strategies. M01.05 Solve problems that involve linear measure, using instruments such as rulers, calipers, or tape measures.

6.4. 9

6.4.1. Citizenship 9

6.5. 8

6.5.1. Math 8 N05 Students will be expected to solve problems that involve rates, ratios, and proportional reasoning. N05.05 Use multiplicative relationships to compare quantities and to predict the value of one quantity based on the values of another. N05.08 Solve a proportion using mental mathematics, pencil and paper, or technology, as appropriate.

6.6. 7

6.6.1. Math 7 N02 Students will be expected to demonstrate an understanding of the addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division of decimals to solve problems (for more than one-digit divisors or more than two-digit multipliers, the use of technology is expected). N02.05 Create and solve a given problem involving the addition of two or more decimal numbers. N02.06 Create and solve a given problem involving the subtraction of decimal numbers. N02.07 Create and solve a given problem involving the multiplication of decimal numbers.

6.7. 6

6.7.1. ELA 6

6.7.2. Math 6 N02 Students will be expected to solve problems involving whole numbers and decimal numbers. N02.02 Identify which operation is necessary to solve a given problem and solve it. N02.06 Use technology, mental mathematics, or paper-and-pencil calculation to solve problems involving the addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division of whole numbers.

6.8. 5

6.8.1. ELA 5

6.8.2. Math 5 N05 Students will be expected to demonstrate, with and without concrete materials, an understanding of multiplication (two-digit by two-digit) to solve problems. N05.05 Solve a given multiplication problem in context, using personal strategies, and record the process N11 Students will be expected to demonstrate an understanding of addition and subtraction of decimals (limited to thousandths) N11.04 Solve problems that involve addition and subtraction of decimals, limited to thousandths, using personal strategies.

6.9. 4

6.9.1. ELA 4

6.9.2. Science 4

6.9.3. Math 4 N03 Students will be expected to demonstrate an understanding of addition and subtraction of numbers with answers to 10 000 (limited to three- and four-digit numerals) by solving problems involving addition and subtraction N03.02 Determine the sum of two given numbers, limited to three- and four-digit numerals, using a personal strategy, and record the process symbolically. N03.03 Determine the difference of two given numbers, limited to three- and four-digit numerals, using a personal strategy, and record the process symbolically. N03.06 Create and solve problems that involve addition and subtraction of two or more numbers, limited to three- and four-digit numerals. N03.08 Determine a sum or difference of one-, two-, and three-digit numerals efficiently, using mental mathematics strategies. N06 Students will be expected to demonstrate an understanding of multiplication (one-, two-, or three-digit by one-digit numerals) to solve problems N06.01 Model a given multiplication problem, using the distributive property (e.g., 8 × 365 = (8 × 300) + (8 × 60) + (8 × 5)).

7. Reflect

7.1. 12

7.1.1. Entrepreneurship 12 Outcome 1: Analyse entrepreneurship as a career choice CZ/PCD/CT Outcome 2: Analyse personal characteristics and skills reflective of entrepreneurs and the entrepreneurial mindset (CZ/COM/CT Learners will evaluate the skills and roles of a team when collaborating and consulting in entrepreneurial ventures.

7.2. 11

7.2.1. Career Development 11 Module 3: Financial Management .1 make life and work decisions that reflect financial realities 3.2 access and use resources related to financial management and planning Module 2: Work Place Culture 2.5 make decisions that reflect an understanding of workplace ethics, norms, and values (Collaboration)

7.3. 10

7.3.1. Career Development 10 Module 5: Life Work Portfolio ?5.3 reflect on their work to articulate a career plan ? 5.2include items that illustrate their interests and abilities

7.4. 9

7.4.1. Citizenship 9 Outcome 3: Learners will evaluate personal skills, strengths, interests, and goals as a current and future citizen, as members of various groups of people, and within various community constructs. Outcome 5:Learners will investigate how effective decision-making and informed participation in society affect, and are affected by, personal financial management.

7.5. 8

7.5.1. Math 10 RF04 Students will be expected to describe and represent linear relations, using words, ordered pairs, tables of values, graphs, and equations.

7.6. 7

7.7. 6

7.7.1. ELA 6

7.8. 5

7.8.1. ELA 5

7.8.2. Social Studies 5 1: Students will develop an understanding of how we learn about the past with a focus on Acadians, ANS, Gaels, Mi'kmaq and additional cultures. * Reflect on differences between the present and the past.

7.9. 4

7.9.1. Social Studies 4 1: Students will examine the concept of exploration. * Share and discuss personal experiences of exploration. * Categorise a range of personal experiences in relation to exploration. * Reflect upon why we explore. * Reflect upon how we explore. 2: Students will examine the stories of various explorers, inclusive of Acadians, ANS, Gaels, Mi'kmaq and additional cultures of land, ocean, space and ideas. * Compare different types of explorations. * Investigate the motivations for various explorers. * Examine the relationship between exploration and innovation. 3: Students will examine the impact of exploration. * Explore the consequences of exploration on people and physical environments. 4: Students will examine the relationship between humans and the physical environment. * Question the impact that humans have on the environment.

7.9.2. ELA 4

7.9.3. Science 4

8. Generalize

8.1. 12

8.1.1. Entrepreneurship 12

8.2. 11

8.2.1. Career Development 11

8.3. 10

8.3.1. Career Development 10

8.4. 9

8.4.1. Citizenship 9 Outcome 3: Learners will evaluate personal skills, strengths, interests, and goals as a current and future citizen, as members of various groups of people, and within various community constructs. Outcome 5: Learners will investigate how effective decision-making and informed participation in society affect, and are affected by, personal financial management.

8.5. 8

8.6. 7

8.7. 6

8.7.1. ELA 6

8.8. 5

8.8.1. ELA 5

8.9. 4

8.9.1. ELA 4

8.9.2. Science 4

8.9.3. Info Tech 4

8.9.4. Social Studies 4 2: Students will examine the stories of various explorers, inclusive of Acadians, ANS, Gaels, Mi'kmaq and additional cultures of land, ocean, space and ideas. * Compare different types of exploration. * Investigate the motivations for various explorers. 3: Students will examine the impact of exploration. * Explore the consequences of exploration on people and physical environments. * Recognise that exploration lead to change in peoples' views and attitudes. 4: Students will examine the relationship between humans and the physical environment. * Gather information on how humans interact with the physical environment. * Question the impact that humans have on the environment. * Explore how the physical environment impacts where people live and how they live.

8.9.5. 5 1: Students will develop an understanding of how we learn about the past with a focus on Acadians, ANS, Gaels, Mi'kmaq and additional cultures. * Investigate the role of oral storytellers, Elders, archaeologists and historians to help us learn about the past. * Reflect on differences between the present and the past.

8.9.6. 6 1: Students will explore the concept of culture and demonstrate an understanding of its role in their lives, inclusive of Acadians, ANS, Gaels, Mi'kmaq and additional cultures. * Identify factors that shape culture. * Investigate how culture is passed on from generation to generation. 2: Students will analyse the importance of cross-cultural understanding inclusive of Acadians, ANS, Gaels, Mi'kmaq and additional cultures. * Discuss the importance of cross-cultural understanding and the consequences of its absence. * Examine the concept of stereotypes and the extent to which mass media stereotype different cultural groups. * Identify actions that are being taken to improve cross-cultural understanding (national/global) and begin to explore actions that can be and are being taken at the local level. 3: Students will compare the use of resources and sustainability practices between Canada and a selected country. * Explore sustainability practices in Canada, inclusive of Aboriginal perspectives. * Recognise similarities and differences in sustainability practices between Canada and another country. * Identify and explain reasons for different perspectives on the use of resources and sustainability practices. 4: Students will examine how traditions relate to culture in a region, inclusive of the traditions of the Acadians, ANS, Gaels, Mi'kmaq and additional cultures. * Explore how traditions, customs and rituals influence a region's culture. * Investigate to infer how cultural traditions are affected by change factors. 6: Students will take age-appropriate actions to demonstrate an understanding of responsibilities as global citizens. * Examine the importance of the rights and responsibilities of being an active global citizen.

9. Apply

9.1. 12

9.1.1. Entrepreneurship 12

9.1.2. Outcome 4:Learners will evaluate the skills and roles of a team when collaborating and consulting in entrepreneurial ventures.

9.1.3. Outcome 2: Analyse personal characteristics and skills reflective of entrepreneurs and the entrepreneurial mindset (CZ/COM/CT

9.2. 11

9.2.1. Career Development 11

9.2.2. Module 1: Career Awareness

9.2.3. 1.1 clarify and define their life and work goals through further analysis of self-assessment data

9.2.4. Module 3: Financial Management

9.2.5. 3.1 make life and work decisions that reflect financial realities 3.2 access and use resources related to financial management and planning

9.3. 10

9.3.1. Career Development 10

9.3.2. Module 5: Life Work Portfolio

9.3.3. 5.3 effectively manage personal relationships and conflicts include items that illustrate their interests and abilities

9.3.4. 5.2include items that illustrate their interests and abilities

9.4. 9

9.4.1. Citizenship 9

9.5. 8

9.6. 7

9.7. 6

9.7.1. ELA 6

9.8. 5

9.8.1. ELA 5

9.9. 4

9.9.1. ELA 4

9.9.2. Science 4

9.9.3. Info Tech 4

9.9.4. Social Studies 4 2: Students will examine the stories of various explorers, inclusive of Acadians, ANS, Gaels, Mi'kmaq and additional cultures of land, ocean, space and ideas. * Compare different types of explorations. * Infer the risks and challenges faced by explorers. * Examine the relationship between exploration and innovation. 4: Students will examine the relationship between humans and the physical environments. * Gather information on how humans interact with the physical environment (with a focus on Canadian Aboriginal perspective). * Explore how the physical environment impacts where people live and how they live. 6: Students will explore the political landscape of Canada, inclusive of First Nation governance. * Investigate, collaboratively, the responsibilities of the federal government.

9.9.5. 6 2: Students will analyse the importance of cross-cultural understanding inclusive of Acadians, ANS, Gaels, Mi'kmaq and additional cultures. * Identify actions that are being taken to improve cross-cultural understanding (national/global) and begin to explore actions that can be and are being taken at the local level. 3: Students will compare the use of resources and sustainability practices between Canada and a selected country. * Identify and explain reasons for different perspectives on the use of resources and sustainability practices. 4: Students will examine how traditions relate to culture in a region, inclusive of the traditions of the Acadians, ANS, Gaels, Mi'kmaq and additional cultures. * Select, locate and map cultural regions, including examples of their major features. 5: Students will examine selected examples of child rights issues around the world inclusive of Aboriginal human rights issues in Canada. * Form questions about and investigate selected child rights issues, inclusive of Aboriginal human rights issues. 6: Students will take age-appropriate actions to demonstrate an understanding of responsibilities as global citizens. * Examine the importance of the rights and responsibilities of being an active global citizen. * Examine various perspectives to support a position on a local/national/international issue. * Plan and take age-appropriate actions to address local/national/international problems or issues.

10. Evaluate

10.1. 12

10.1.1. Entrepreneurship 12

10.2. 11

10.2.1. Career Development 11

10.3. 10

10.3.1. Career Development 10

10.4. 9

10.4.1. Citizenship 9

10.4.2. Outcome 3: Learners will evaluate personal skills, strengths, interests, and goals as a current and future citizen, as members of various groups of people, and within various community constructs.

10.4.3. Outcome 5: Learners will investigate how effective decision-making and informed participation in society affect, and are affected by, personal financial management.

10.5. 8

10.6. 7

10.7. 6

10.7.1. ELA 6

10.8. 5

10.8.1. ELA 5

10.9. 4

10.9.1. ELA 4

10.9.2. Science 4

10.9.3. Info Tech 4

10.9.4. Social Studies 4 1: Students will examine the concept of exploration. * Categorise a range of personal experiences in relation to exploration. * Reflect upon how we explore. 2: Students will examine the stories of various explorers, inclusive of Acadians, ANS, Gaels, Mi'kmaq and additional cultures of land, ocean, space and ideas. * Compare different types of explorations. * Infer the risks and challenges faced by explorers. * Examine the relationship between exploration and innovation. 3: Students will examine the impact of exploration. * Explore the consequences of exploration on people and physical environments. * Recognise that exploration leads to change in peoples' views and attitudes. * Evaluate the impact of a modern natural resource exploration on physical environments (with a focus on Aboriginal perspectives).

10.9.5. 5 1: Students will develop an understanding of how we learn about the past with a focus on Acadians, ANS, Gaels, Mi'kmaq and additional cultures. * Discuss why we learn about the past. * Reflect on differences between the present and the past.

10.9.6. 6 3: Students will compare the use of resources and sustainability practices between Canada and a selected country. * Identify and explain reasons for different perspectives on the use of resources and sustainability practices. 4: students will examine how traditions relate to culture in a region, inclusive of the Acadians, ANS, Gaels, Mi'kmaq and additional cultures. * Explore how traditions, customs and rituals influence a region's culture. * Investigate to infer how cultural traditions are affected by change factors.