“Given that every theory has its limitations, we need to retain a multiplicity of theories to und...

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“Given that every theory has its limitations, we need to retain a multiplicity of theories to understand the world.” Discuss this claim with reference to two areas of knowledge создатель Mind Map: “Given that every theory has its limitations, we need to retain a multiplicity of theories to understand the world.” Discuss this claim with reference to two areas of knowledge

1. Keywords

1.1. limitation

1.1.1. Official definiton a limiting rule or circumstance; a restriction.

1.1.2. my definition Limitation in this context means that the knowledge produced using theories does not account for the unknown and hence cannot be considered as the absolute truth.

1.2. Multiplicity

1.2.1. Official definiton the state of being multiplex or manifold; manifold variety.

1.2.2. my definiton Multiple theories that could be contrasting in nature.

1.3. Theory

1.3.1. Official definiton a coherent group of tested general propositions, commonly regarded as correct, that can be used as principles of explanation and prediction for a class of phenomena:

1.3.2. my definiton A theory is a claim made by an expert that is supported by empirical evidence. Wether that claim is numbers or speculation it doesn't matter as long as it is backed up.

2. Key Phrases

2.1. every theory has its limitation

2.1.1. every theory has it's critics and in some cases they are unable to answer all the questions raised about that field of study.

2.2. to understand the world

2.2.1. Having multiply theories allows us to view the world and society around us from different perspectives hence it is critical to make good judgments.

3. Rewrite

3.1. Assuming that every theory includes some area of doubts, we need multiple theories in order to minimise the level of uncertainty and to better interpret the world around us.

4. Rewrite

4.1. Assuming that competing theories is necessary to ensure the accuracy of knowledge produced in NS, how do multiple theories effect the way we view the world

4.2. To what extent is multiple theories necessary to understand the world around us?

4.3. Given that everyone in society is different and comes from varied backgrounds, how does multiple theories allow us to understand the world better?

5. Connections to Classes

5.1. Physics

5.1.1. Natural Science

5.1.2. Multiple theories in physics regarding light and its ability to bend. Basic physics assumes that light travels in straight lines but Einstein claimed that light actually bends. Duality in theories is necessary to understand different concepts, for example the assumption that light bends is required for space exploration but light doesn't bend is used more readily in everyday life. Learnt it in class and have done experiments pertaining to it. Reason Methodology

5.2. RKS

5.2.1. AOK

5.2.2. There may be different versions of religion which means there are different ways of interpreting god and life around us but at the end of the day it doesn't matter as the most important version is the version you live by. My interpretation of God is vastly different to my parents version of God or my neighbour's version of God but that doesn't mean that either is wrong. Neither does comparing different theories lead to more accurate information like it does in NS. Emotion Language and Concepts

5.3. Visual Arts

5.3.1. Arts

5.3.2. Someone left a pair of glasses on the floor of an art gallery, and tourists and visitors thought it was a piece of art. Different theories arise in the Arts when people judge it with different perspectives. Imagination Methodology