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Diets создатель Mind Map: Diets

1. 4 hour body

1.1. Very few dishes

1.2. Vegetables

1.3. Meat

1.4. Fish

1.5. Nuts

1.6. wine

1.7. Fruits

1.8. Carbon hydrates

2. Metabolic balance

2.1. 5 hours between meals

2.2. Start with proteins

2.3. Carbon hydrates

2.4. Keep your carbs low enough long enough and you get into ketosis, a fat-burning state that creates what many now refer to as the “metabolic advantage. Read more: http://www.marksdailyapple.com/the-context-of-calories/#ixzz1pYzVll3g

2.5. Eine zweifelhafte Diät, aber ein grosses Geschäft Tausende Schweizer nehmen mit Metabolic Balance ab. Fachleute kritisieren die Methode: das Prinzip sei aus wissenschaftlicher Sicht nicht haltbar. http://tagesanzeiger.ch/wissen/medizin-und-psychologie/Eine-zweifelhafte-Diaet-aber-ein-grosses-Geschaeft/story/26012100

3. Alcohol

3.1. Choose Your Booze: A Guide to Healthy Drinking

3.1.1. Top Shelf Red Wine We mean the biggest health benefit with the fewest carbs and additives. Read more: http://www.marksdailyapple.com/low-carb-alcohol/#ixzz1pZCiyj8k

3.1.2. Respectable Middling Choices Wood Aged Spirits (particularly Whiskey, Brandy, Scotch and Cognac) Read more: http://www.marksdailyapple.com/low-carb-alcohol/#ixzz1pZCoyjrN Berry Daiquiri (Primal Style) White Wines Light Beers

3.1.3. Bottom Shelf to Bottom of the Barrel Other Spirits (Vodka, Gin, Clear Rum) As mentioned, unflavored spirits don’t come with carbs, and the alcohol content itself can boost vascular health. Nonetheless, these varieties don’t offer much in the way of antioxidant benefit either. Read more: http://www.marksdailyapple.com/low-carb-alcohol/#ixzz1pZD8m63x Hard Cider Regular Beer Creamy/Dark/Stout or Rich Microbrew Beer We know it’s tasty (especially a good microbrew), but those 15-25 grams of carbs just aren’t worth it. Read more: http://www.marksdailyapple.com/low-carb-alcohol/#ixzz1pZDTy0g8 Sugar Swill

4. Paleo

4.1. it can be quite difficult to stick with a Paleo diet

4.2. beginnersguide

4.3. Primal Blueprint 101

4.3.1. 10 Ways to “Get Primal”

4.3.2. How to Guide: Making the Switch to Primal Living in 6 Easy Steps

4.4. diet

4.4.1. Legumes In my estimation, legumes fall into the “O.K.” category with wine, chocolate, cheese and other dairy, etc. Read more: http://www.marksdailyapple.com/beans-legumes-carbs/#ixzz1pYSKkYOf New node

4.4.2. Carbon hydrates Nope. Carbs still serve a decent purpose in our diets, but they’re not essential – (check out the Inuit Paradox for a great read on societies that exist without almost any carbohydrates). I prefer to get my carbs from vegetables, sweet potatoes, and fruit. Why is that? These foods are naturally occurring in the wild and don’t need to be processed in any way (unlike grains) in order to be consumed. The things to remember about carbs and to put into context: Carbs are not used as structural components in the body – they are used only as a form of fuel; glucose in the bloodstream is toxic to humans UNLESS it is being burned immediately as fuel. Read more: http://www.marksdailyapple.com/the-context-of-calories/#ixzz1pYzqRv8H

4.4.3. dairy Dairy’s a tough one, as most paleo folks tend to stay away from it - a huge portion of the world is lactose intolerant, and those that aren’t usually have at least some type of an aversion to it. Why is that? Because no animal in the entire kingdom drinks milk beyond infancy. Hunter gathers didn’t lug cows around with them while traveling – milk was consumed as a baby, and that was it. As with grains, our bodies weren’t designed for massive dairy consumption. The Definitive Guide to Dairy Raw, fermented, full-fat dairy is probably best. Raw, high-fat dairy is next. Then raw milk. Organic, hormone and antibiotic-free dairy (full fat, of course). Goat dairy is another option, with more fat (that’s never homogenized, even when pasteurized), less casein, less lactose, and fewer digestive issues. Structurally and nutritionally, goat milk is one of the closer corollaries to human breast milk, making it arguably more suitable for human consumption than cow’s milk problems Read more: http://www.marksdailyapple.com/dairy-intolerance/#ixzz1pYRFDTqX

4.4.4. healthy oils olive oil, coconut oil, avocado oil – think natural

4.4.5. Proteins Meat GRASS-FED, not grain-fed…which causes the same problem in animals as they do in humans Nuts high in calories, so they’re good for a snack, but don’t eat bags and bags of them seeds same as nuts, can be high in calories eggs fowl chicken, duck, hen, turkey…things with wings that (try to) fly.

4.4.6. Fish wild fish, not farmed fish, as mercury and other toxins can be an issue

4.4.7. Fruits have natural sugar, and can be higher in calories, so limit if you’re trying to lose weight

4.4.8. Vegetables The other great thing about vegetables is that you can honestly eat as many of them as you like and you’ll never get fat. They’re incredibly nutrient dense and calorie light – six servings of broccoli (and who would eat 6 servings at once?) has 180 calories and only 36 grams of carbs. A single serving of pasta (and NOBODY eats just one serving of pasta) has 200 calories and 42 grams of carbs.

4.4.9. Tubers sweet potatoes, yams. Higher in calories and carbs, so these are good for right after a workout to replenish your glycogen levels.

4.5. gluten

4.5.1. Gluten is an protein found in things like rye, wheat, and barley (and possibly millet?). It’s now being said that a large portion of our population is gluten-intolerant (hence all the new “gluten-free!” items popping up everywhere). Over time, those who are gluten intolerant can develop a dismal array of medical conditions from consuming gluten: dermatitis, joint pain, reproductive problems, acid reflux,other digestive conditions and auto-immune disorders. Most people who are gluten-intolerant go undiagnosed.

4.6. Lectins

4.6.1. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lectin

4.6.2. Lectins are natural toxins that exist within grains that exist to defend against consumption! Yup. Grains have evolved to keep themselves from being eaten by us. Suck. Because of that, these lectins are not a fan of our gastro-intestinal tract, and won’t let it repair itself from normal wear and tear, which can let all kinds of crap that doesn’t belong into parts of our body where they can do some damage.

4.7. Recipes

4.7.1. http://www.paleoplan.com/recipes/

4.7.2. http://everydaypaleo.com/

4.7.3. http://nomnompaleo.com/recipeindex

4.7.4. http://mypaleokitchen.blogspot.com/

4.7.5. http://paleocomfortfoods.com

4.7.6. http://www.theclothesmakethegirl.com/

4.7.7. http://www.primal-palate.com/

4.7.8. http://www.marksdailyapple.com/primal-blueprint-sample-menu/#axzz1pYLVMPdW

4.7.9. Primal Substitutes for Non-Primal Foods

4.8. Primal Blueprint All this and much more can be found in the new book, The Primal Blueprint. Order a copy today and start getting Primal! Read more: http://www.marksdailyapple.com/how-to-succeed-with-the-primal-blueprint/#ixzz1pYvODKoE

4.8.1. The Primal Blueprint Carbohydrate Curve What’ll It Be? The “Sweet Spot” or the “Danger Zone”? Read more: http://www.marksdailyapple.com/how-to-succeed-with-the-primal-blueprint/#ixzz1pYulTT1S Carbohydrate intake is often the decisive factor in weight loss success and prevention of widespread health problems like Metabolic Syndrome, obesity and type 2 diabetes. These average daily intake levels assume that you are also getting sufficient protein and healthy fats, and are doing some amount of Primal exercise. The ranges in each zone account for individual metabolic differences. 0-50 grams per day: Ketosis and I.F. (Intermittent Fasting) zone. Excellent catalyst for rapid fat loss through I.F. Not recommended for prolonged periods (except in medically supervised programs for obese or Type 2 diabetics) due to unnecessary deprivation of plant foods. 50-100 grams per day: Sweet Spot for Weight Loss. Steadily drop excess body fat by minimizing insulin production. Enables 1-2 pounds per week of fat loss with satisfying, minimally restrictive meals. 100-150 grams per day: Primal Maintenance zone. Once you’ve arrived at your goal or ideal body composition, you can maintain it quite easily here while enjoying abundant vegetables, fruits and other Primal foods. 150-300 grams a day: Insidious Weight Gain zone. Most health conscious eaters and unsuccessful dieters end up here, due to frequent intake of sugar and grain products (breads, pastas, cereals, rice, potatoes – even whole grains). Despite trying to “do the right thing” (minimize fat, cut calories), people can still gain an average of 1.5 pounds of fat every year for decades. 300+ grams a day: Danger Zone of average American diet. All but the most extreme exercisers will tend to produce excessive insulin and store excessive fat over the years at this intake level. Increases risk for obesity, Metabolic Syndrome and type 2 diabetes. Read more: http://www.marksdailyapple.com/how-to-succeed-with-the-primal-blueprint/#ixzz1pYuoyx2R

4.8.2. The Primal Blueprint Food Pyramid For effortless weight loss, vibrant health, and maximum longevity Read more: http://www.marksdailyapple.com/how-to-succeed-with-the-primal-blueprint/#ixzz1pYutMqkb General Guidelines: 80% of body composition success is determined by diet. Limit processed carb intake (hence, insulin production), and obtain sufficient protein and fat to fuel and rebuild. Protein: Average .7 – 1 gram per pound of lean body mass/day – depending on activity levels (more at times is fine). Carbs: 50-100 grams/day (or less) = accelerated fat loss. 100-150 grams/day = effortless weight maintenance. Heavy exercisers can increase carb intake as needed to replace glycogen stores. Fat: Enjoy freely but sensibly for balance of caloric needs and high dietary satisfaction levels. Avoid Poisonous Things: Conventional Wisdom’s dietary guidelines promote fat storage, type 2 diabetes, inflammation and obesity! Eliminate: Sugary foods and beverages, grains (wheat, corn, rice, pasta, breads, cereals, etc.), legumes (soy and other beans), trans and partially hydrogenated fats, high-risk conventional meat and produce, and excess PUFA’s (instead, increase omega-3 oils). Modern Adjustments: Some modern foods that Grok didn’t eat can still be included in a healthy diet Moderation: Certain high glycemic fruit, coffee, high-fat dairy products, starchy tuber vegetables, and wild rice. Supplements: Multivitamin/mineral formula, probiotics, omega-3 fish oil and protein powder. Herbs, spices and extracts: Offer many health benefits and enhance enjoyment of meals. Sensible indulgences: Dark chocolate, moderate alcohol, high-fat treats. Read more: http://www.marksdailyapple.com/how-to-succeed-with-the-primal-blueprint/#ixzz1pYuw5Ngo

4.8.3. The Primal Blueprint Fitness Pyramid For functional, diverse athletic ability, and a lean, proportioned physique Read more: http://www.marksdailyapple.com/how-to-succeed-with-the-primal-blueprint/#ixzz1pYvIo7UD Exercising according to the three Primal Blueprint laws will optimize gene expression and promote Primal Fitness. Law #3: Move Frequently at a Slow Pace strengthens the cardiovascular and immune systems, promotes efficient fat metabolism and gives you a strong base to handle more intense workouts. Law: #4: Lift Heavy Things stimulates lean muscle development, improves organ reserve, accelerates fat loss, and increases energy. Law #5: Sprint Once in a While stimulates the production of HGH and testosterone, which help improve overall fitness and delay the aging process – without the burnout risk of excessive prolonged workouts. The Conventional Wisdom approach to fitness is clearly not working! Stress is excessive, weight loss goals are compromised, and many are misguided to pursue narrow fitness goals that are unhealthy. Avoid Chronic Cardio (frequent medium-to-high intensity sustained workouts) Avoid Chronic Strength Training (frequent and/or prolonged sub-maximal lifting sessions ending in exhaustion) Avoid Regimented Schedules (instead, allow for spontaneous, intuitive variation in type, difficulty and frequency of workouts) Read more: http://www.marksdailyapple.com/how-to-succeed-with-the-primal-blueprint/#ixzz1pYvLXrS2

5. Nerd fitness /rebel guide

5.1. Healthy Eating

5.2. “You’re smart and you know what real food is, so stop eating crap.”

5.3. Rebel Fitness Guide

5.4. Why you got fat

5.5. Not all calories are created equal!

5.5.1. Protein When you exercise, your muscles are broken down and then use protein to rebuild themselves stronger while recovering. Protein absolutely NEEDS to be a main component of every meal. Aim for one gram per pound (two grams per KG) of lean body weight, or just do one gram per pound of body weight if you don’t want to do the math – with an upper limit of 200 grams. Sources of protein include chicken, eggs, beef, pork, fish, nuts, legumes, quinoa, and most dairy products.

5.5.2. Carbohydrates When you eat carbohydrates, they get converted to glucose (sugar) in your system, which is then used to provide energy for all sorts of body functions to take place. Vegetables and/or fresh fruit are quality sources of carbohydrates, with grains being less so in my opinion…but we’ll get to more grains later. There are certainly bad carbohydrates (processed carbs, refined grains, and more), and those are the ones we want to avoid. Unless you’re a marathon runner, you can function with WAY less carbs than you’re probably consuming now. Glycemic Index The GI is a scale of 1-100, with 100 being the fastest and quickest impact on your blood sugar level, and 1 being the slowest impact on your blood sugar level. By choosing foods that are lower on the glycemic index, your nutrients are delivered more slowly to your blood stream, which means they’ll provide a slower/longer source of energy, produce less of an insulin response (you did watch the video above, right?), and create less of a crash that causes your body to crave more carbohydrates! Glycemic Load the Glycemic Load factors in serving size along with the glycemic index. Processed foods, refined carbs, and sugar all have high glycemic loads, while fruits and vegetables generally have low glycemic loads. This is the info that we’ll be using to our advantage. Focus on eating foods with LOW glycemic loads during the day, and only eat carbs with HIGH glycemic loads immediately before a workout – they’ll be burned immediately as fuel – or directly AFTER a workout along with protein – they’ll get used to refill your muscle’s fuel stores rather than stored as fat. GI / GL Foods above 55 are considered to have a high Glycemic Index, and foods above 20 are considered to have a high Glycemic Load. ***If you’re a vegetarian or vegan, then this is the path that I’d recommend for you – cut back on grains and crappy carbs, load up on vegetables, nuts, beans, fruits, and some low-glycemic grains if you’re running low on calories, and make sure you’re getting enough protein! New node

5.5.3. Fat Fat is easily the most misunderstood macro-nutrient in your diet; long story short: fat is absolutely critical to your body and should make up a BIG portion of your daily calories. Things like avocados, almonds, olive oil, walnuts, and almond butter are great sources of healthy fat (polyunsaturatured and monounsaturated). If you take this stance on saturated fat (personally, I do), then full fat milk, coconut milk, and fatty cuts of meat will provide you with sources of saturated fat. this stance on saturated fat Learn to love them. They are the fuel of choice and should become the balance of your Primal Blueprint diet. Fats have little or no impact on insulin and, as a result, promote the burning of both dietary and stored (adipose) fat as fuel. Think about this: if protein and carbs stay fairly constant (and carbs stay under 150), you can use fat as the major energy variable in your diet. Feeling like you need more fuel (and you’ve already covered your bases with protein and carbs)? Reach for something with fat. Nuts, avocados, coconut, eggs, butter, olive oil, fish, chicken, lamb, beef, the list is a long one. 100 grams of fats per day would only add 900 calories to our girl’s daily average, putting her at between 1620 and 1940 calories a day. Even if she averages somewhere between 1400 and 2200 calories per day over a few weeks, as long as she pays attention to protein and carbs, her body composition will shift to lower body fat and more desirable lean mass. If she decides to do some walking, a few brief intense weight sessions and a sprint day here and there, that process would accelerate greatly. If she gets to a point where she’s content with her body fat, she can even add in a little more fat to provide energy that she previously got from her stored fat. Read more: http://www.marksdailyapple.com/definitive-guide-to-the-primal-eating-plan/#ixzz1pYx3oJSz

5.6. If you want to be healthy and get down to a healthy weight

5.6.1. I’d push you towards the glycemic load type of eating. Avoid foods that cause insulin spikes in your system, cut out as much junk as you can, and focus on the good stuff.

5.7. If you want to look like my buddy Saint

5.7.1. then I’d push you towards the Paleo Diet with a few warnings: to get to that low of a body fat percentage, you need good genetics, a strict workout routine, patience, and the iron will to say NO to foods that aren’t on your list of approved foods.

5.8. Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR)

5.8.1. my bmr: 2072,2

5.9. calories burned

5.9.1. Bicycling / cycling 12-14 mph 268 Vinyasa yoga 1,005 Soccer competitive 1,389 Squash1,108

5.9.2. interval training

6. Remember: 80% of body composition is determined by diet. Read more: http://www.marksdailyapple.com/definitive-guide-to-the-primal-eating-plan/#ixzz1pYxdM2UG