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1. STEP ONE: Referral for Assistive Technology Assessment

2. STEP THREE: The Individualized Education Program Team

3. STEP FOUR: Implementation of the Assistive Technology Device

4. A: Selection of the AT Device

4.1. Device Trials

4.2. Device Training

5. A:Purchase of AT Device

5.1. Brief Training of AT Device

5.2. Additional monitoring of AT device

5.3. IEP support for family and teacher

6. B: Special Education Teacher

6.1. Ensures support for the student

6.2. AT device is assess while the student is assessed to test effectiveness of the device

7. STEP TWO: Conducting an Assistive Technology Assessment

8. A: A referral is made.

9. C: Prior and current data is used for consideration

9.1. Student or personal data

9.2. Medical data for vital concerns

9.3. Vision and hearinng reports

9.4. Information about any technology or devices currently being used

9.5. Background Information regarding any related services provided previously for the student

10. B: Team meets to consider referral

11. A: Direct Observation

11.1. Cognitive Skills

11.2. Current use of any AT devices

11.3. Sensory Skills

11.4. Motor Skills

11.5. Vocational and Independent Living Skills ( Older students only)

11.6. Communication Skills

11.7. Social Skills

12. B: Interviews

12.1. Family Concerns and Expectations

12.2. Perceived Needs and Abilited of the Student

12.3. Academic Expectations

12.4. Diagnostic Information

12.5. Medical Information

13. C: Formal Assessments

13.1. Selected Activities

13.2. Predetermined Environment

14. D: Formal Report