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The Time Machine создатель Mind Map: The Time Machine

1. H. G. Wells

2. Elois

2.1. Upper class

2.1.1. Change in power

2.2. Safe and secure

2.3. No danger

2.4. Not evolving

3. Weena

3.1. Kindness still remains in humanity

3.2. Puts flowers in Time Traveller's pockets

3.3. Saved from drowning

4. Morlocks

4.1. Lower class

4.2. Cannibals

4.3. Live underground in dark

4.4. Comes out when no moon

4.5. Took over upper class

5. Time Traveller

5.1. Curious about future

5.2. Brave

5.3. Doesn't return from future

5.4. Theory about future of humanity corrected

5.4.1. Thought would be prospering

5.4.2. Reality: developed into two species almost Division between upper/lower class grew

6. Narrator

6.1. Believes Time Traveller

6.2. Waiting 3 years

7. Palace of Green Porcelain

7.1. Old museum

7.2. Found old matches, lever

8. Future

8.1. Crab-like creatures

8.2. Thin air

8.3. Hardly any living creatures

8.4. Beach

8.5. Another planet eclipsing sun