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"Employable"  student создатель Mind Map: "Employable"  student

1. Basic work-readiness

1.1. Ethical & moral behaviour

1.2. Appearance & presentation

1.3. Social skills

1.4. Numeracy

1.5. Spoken, written and "e" communication

1.6. Digital capabilites

1.6.1. Understanding, managing, customising and efficiently using core ICT devices, apps, services and resources such as mobile devices, productivity software (e.g. word-processing, PowerPoint, e-mail, web browsing, Cloud tools).

1.6.2. Finding, managing, sharing and organising digital information in a range of media and ability to judge the quality, relevance, trustworthiness and value of information.

1.6.3. Basic knowledge and management of digital safety, footprint, identity, security and compliance (e.g. data privacy and copyright).

1.6.4. Communicating effectively and with e-etiquette with different stakeholders, including employers, using a range of digital media, devices and tools e.g. e-mail, video conferencing, social media.

2. Authentic experience

2.1. Experience of working with e.g. employers, charities, community and voluntary groups

2.2. Application of learning, knowledge, skills, attributes and experience to new broader contexts

2.3. Reflecting and learning from authentic experience

2.4. Demonstrating, communicating and evidencing learning from authentic experiences

2.5. Digital capabilities

2.5.1. Digital tools are used to support communications, information management, project management and engagement between students, staff, employers and other relevant stakeholders.

2.5.2. Students design, plan and apply digital tools creatively to support their learning experiences and employer initiatives and objectives.

2.5.3. Students use digital tools such as personal learning spaces to plan, record/evidence their learning experiences with employers as well as reflecting on these experiences and encourage staff and employers to engage with their reflections and evidence.

3. Lifelong employability

3.1. Developing self-awareness and critically evaluating personal, social & professional capabilities, skills and attributes.

3.2. Horizon scanning and developing intelligence on careers, markets, jobs, self-employment, alumni, employers and employer bodies.

3.3. Identifying career, sector, job, self-employment options and skills required.

3.4. Developing personal strategic plan for career and graduate job, aligning with aspirations, goals, needs, values and strengths.

3.5. Networking and engagement for employability

3.6. Developing engagement “collateral” e.g. CV, digital resources, evidence of skills and attributes.

3.7. Effective communication and presentation of skills, knowledge, attributes and experience

3.8. Digital capabilities

3.8.1. Use of personal learning spaces such as e-portfolios, blogs, web-sites and wikis for self-directed personal and professional learning (planning, reflection, managing, evidencing, review, show-casing).

3.8.2. Digital feedback and engagement with a variety of stakeholders facilitated by technologies such as e-portfolios, wikis and social media.

3.8.3. Identifying, choosing and using technology-enhanced self-diagnostics and development resources to aid self-review and training/personal and professional development.

3.8.4. Advanced use of social media to support development of intelligence on careers, markets, jobs etc and identification of skills required.

3.8.5. Advanced use of digital tools e.g. multimedia, social networks, e-portfolios to develop digital “collateral” for self-presentation and evidencing of skills.

3.8.6. Participation in digital networks of practice.

4. Lifelong learning

4.1. Self-directed planning, assessment, and review for lifelong learning

4.2. Learning from informal, non-formal, social and formal contexts

4.3. Self-directed development/ updating of skills and knowledge

4.4. Seeking feedback from peers, tutors, employers, mentors.

4.5. Recording, reflecting, articulating and evidencing learning.

4.6. Digital capabilities

4.6.1. Skills and knowledge in choosing and using digital tools to aid life-long learning and academic practice e.g. Using social media effectively to support informal and collaborative learning. Using appropriate digital learning resources including diagnostics tools and learning content. Using e-APEL/RPL tools to support recognition of prior learning. Using personal learning spaces to support CPD including planning, managing, evidencing, applying, evaluating and show-casing learning. Using digital assessment tools.

4.6.2. Continual horizon-scanning and evaluation of new technology innovations to support learning and working.

4.6.3. Participation in digital networks of practice.

5. Professional skills and knowledge

5.1. Collaboration, leadership and followship

5.1.1. Digital skills Keeping up-to-date with collaboration, communication and information management tools Choosing and implementing appropriate collaboration, communication and information tools for use by teams Following effective practices and principles for digital communication, collaboration and information management Influencing team members to use chosen digital tools and guiding them to appropriate awareness-raising, training and support. Managing risks wrt digital tools Compliance wrt digital tools

5.2. Communication, influencing, negotiation & customer care

5.3. Enterprise, commercial & business awareness

5.4. Planning and organisation and project management

5.5. Investigation, analysis & problem-solving

5.6. Foreign languages

5.7. Self-management

5.8. Digital capabilities

5.8.1. Keeping up-to-date with collaboration, communication and information and management tools.

5.8.2. Choosing and implementing appropriate collaboration, communication, information and management tools for use by teams.

5.8.3. Following effective practices and key principles for efficient digital communication, collaboration, information management, productivity and self/team management.

5.8.4. Influencing and motivating team members to use chosen digital tools and guiding them to appropriate awareness-raising, training and support.

5.8.5. Managing risks with teams wrt digital tools e.g. privacy, identity, data protection, security.

5.8.6. Everyday self and team compliance wrt digital tools e.g. privacy, data protection, IPR, libel & slander, security.

5.8.7. Using and managing digital tools in teams to underpin research, investigation, evaluation, analysis and problem solving.

5.8.8. Knowledge of how digital tools can be used in efficiently and cost-effectively in pursuit of key business objectives e.g. product/service development, sales, PR, marketing and customer communication and service.

6. High-level capabilities

6.1. Creative problem identification and solving in new contexts

6.2. Entrepreneurship (including digital entrepreneurship)

6.3. Enquiry, research and critical analysis

6.4. Coaching / mentoring

6.5. Digital capabilities

6.5.1. Applying computational modes of thinking

6.5.2. Advanced information searching, sharing and management.

6.5.3. Advanced knowledge of data/digital compliance - laws, regulations and codes of practice.

6.5.4. Advanced communications and engagement using digital media and tools with ability to influence, champion, coach and mentor using digital media and tools.

6.5.5. Effective practitioner at using digital tools for complex research, data gathering, engaging public with research and data analysis and presentation.

6.5.6. Digital entrepreneurship - ability to creatively shape and influence the use of digital media in pursuit of employer goals e.g. new product development, new sales and marketing channels, operations, staff CPD.

6.5.7. Trouble-shooting digital issues including finding work-arounds, quality assurance and preventing future problems.

7. Attributes

7.1. Adaptability, flexibility & working under pressure

7.2. Confidence (balanced by humility), assertiveness & emotional intelligence

7.3. Creativity / lateral thinking / vision

7.4. Aspiring, motivated and persistent ("grit")

7.5. Taking responsibility & initiative

7.6. Awareness and sensitiveness to different contexts e.g. cultural, business, political, sustainability, globalisation, internationalisation

7.7. Digital capabilities

7.7.1. Adaptability and flexibility in embracing new digital tools, ways of working/learning and innovations.

7.7.2. Confidence and assertiveness in team-working and leading use of digital tools and new innovations.

7.7.3. E-etiquette in engaging in different contexts e.g. cultural, business, political, sustainability, globalisation, internationalisation.

7.7.4. Resilience and perseverance with implementing change and use of digital tools.