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Data Centre Migration создатель Mind Map: Data Centre Migration

1. Map Version Control

1.1. Author: Eric Chan

1.2. Date: Oct 2013

1.3. Version: V1.0

2. Initial Assessment

2.1. What is the distance between original DC and new DC?

2.2. Can all the devices be migrated in one event?

3. Principles

3.1. Let the network do more work

3.1.1. Cross site latency is often a myth

3.1.2. Extend on layer 2

3.1.3. Keeep your IPs and DNS

3.2. Virtualise as much as possible

3.2.1. Take the path of least resistance

3.2.2. Be flexible to support older OS as a migration tactic

3.3. Compatibility upgrade only

3.3.1. No new functionality

3.3.2. No business process change

3.4. Infrastructure testing only

4. Tactics

4.1. Establish lightweight virtualisation lab without F/W to test compability

4.2. Establish migration zone

4.3. Pre-allocate storage, LPARs

4.4. Source or have agreement in place for old servers and parts

4.5. For low value apps on physical devices, lift & shift in a cluster

4.6. Communication, Communication, Communication

4.6.1. Make sure stakeholders are engaged all along the process

5. Governance

5.1. Senior management level change control board

5.1.1. To priorise

5.1.2. To put other initiatives on hold

5.1.3. To stop non-critical new servers going into existing environment

5.2. Agree on the transformation agenda

5.2.1. Virtualise?

5.2.2. OS upgrade?

5.2.3. Server management?

5.2.4. ...

5.3. Scope

5.3.1. Migration

5.3.2. To be decommissioned

5.3.3. To be transformed by other initiatives

6. IT Assets

6.1. Update inventory

6.2. Establish ownership

6.2.1. Applications

6.2.2. Servers

6.2.3. Gaps

6.2.4. Unknown

7. Sequence

7.1. 1. Building

7.1.1. Electricity, Cooling, Raised Floor

7.1.2. Raised Floor Management

7.1.3. Rack Management

7.2. 2. Seed core network

7.2.1. Data network

7.2.2. SAN network

7.2.3. Management network

7.3. 3. Seed SAN

7.4. 4. Cross site links

7.5. 5. Extend existing network and security

7.6. 6. Seed VMWare farm

7.7. Seed backup infrastructure - optional?

7.8. 7. App

7.8.1. Non critical apps as pilot

7.8.2. Non-prod before PROD Enough time to bed the system down