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Paradigm создатель Mind Map: Paradigm

1. Object-oriented

1.1. Languages: Smalltalk, C++, Java, Scratch

1.2. Formulates programs as a series of objects and methods that interact to perform a specific task.

1.3. Problems solving: emphasizes classes and methods that form objects. Real world objects.

1.4. Disadvantages: Many classes, or objects for the problem.

1.5. Advantages: Helps managers

2. Functional

2.1. Languages: LISP, Scheme, Haskell

2.2. Emphasizes the evaluation of expressions, called functions.

2.3. Problems: Evaluation of expressions

2.4. Advantages: Help evaluate problems to help solve them.

2.5. Disadvantages: Less effiecient

3. Event-driven

3.1. Languages: Visual Basic, C#

3.2. Focuses on selecting user interface elements and defining event-handing routines that are triggered by various mouse or keyboard activities.

3.3. Problems: Event-handling routines.

3.4. Advantages: significantly reduce development time and simplify the entire programming process.

3.5. Disadvantages: Syntax errors

4. Procedural

4.1. Languages: BASIC, Pascal, COBOL, Fortran, Ada.

4.2. Emphasizes linear steps that provide the computer with instructions on how to solve a problem or carry out a task.

4.3. Types of problems: Linear, step-by-step, and algorithm.

4.4. Advantages: Very efficient with number crunching.

4.5. Disadvantages: Limited

5. Declarative

5.1. Languages: Prolog

5.2. Focuses on the use of facts and rules to describe a problem.

5.3. Problems: Good with word problems

5.4. Advantages: Arrives with many solutions

5.5. Disadvantages: Does not specifically solve the problems, but gives many prospect answers.