Mexican war on drugs and social media

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Mexican war on drugs and social media создатель Mind Map: Mexican war on drugs and social media

1. Mainstream media

1.1. Paid by cartels

1.2. Killed or threatened

2. Events

2.1. #balaceratec

2.2. #reynosafollow

2.3. #JefeDiego

3. Geopolitics

3.1. North

3.2. Juarez

3.3. US

3.3.1. Government

3.3.2. AZ, TX Gun sales Corruption

4. Politicians

4.1. Breaking news on twitter

4.2. Communicating with each other

5. Cartels

5.1. Bloggers as sock puppets

5.2. Public communication with adversaries

5.3. Video recruitment

5.4. Spread fear

6. Citizens

6.1. Los Tuiteros

6.2. Bloggers

6.3. Facebook

6.4. Elitism

7. Government

7.1. Federal

7.1.1. Trying to control media

7.2. Local

7.2.1. Reporting "risk zones"

8. Historical perspective

8.1. Miami 70s

8.2. Chicago 40s

8.3. Colombian war 90s