1. teachers
1.1. expect student to be in class
1.2. expect students to be alert in class
1.3. expect academics come before sports
1.4. amount of homework assigned- expectations of work outside of class
2. friends
2.1. friends made in athletics
2.1.1. pressure to participate
2.1.2. different expectations of commitment or level of participation
2.2. friends outside athletics
2.2.1. friends activities don't mix with rules or expectations of sports
2.2.2. missing out on social activities while participating in sports
3. self
3.1. reason for competing
3.1.1. in activity for competition or love of the sport. expectations for performance
3.1.2. in activity because parents made them
3.1.3. in activity for the social aspect
3.1.4. in activity to be healthy, stay in shape for other activities, or lose weight
3.1.5. adrenaline/endorphin rush of success
3.2. connection with coach(s)
3.3. connection with teammates
3.4. balancing priorities
4. High school league
4.1. rules about drugs and alcohol
4.2. rules about seasons and hands on time with coaches
5. School
5.1. academic eligibility
5.2. cost of althetics
5.3. encourages school involvement
6. connection with athletes
7. coaches
7.1. expect attendance at all activities and practices
7.1.1. before school
7.1.2. after school
7.1.3. late nights
7.1.4. weekends
7.1.5. school does not get in the way of practice or competition
7.2. expect participation in the off season
7.2.1. participation is required to play
7.2.2. participation is suggested but athlete can be demoted if not there
7.2.3. participation is optional
7.3. expect athletes are doing their best
7.3.1. setting goals
7.3.2. behavior expectations
7.3.3. working to achieve goals
7.4. act as a team
7.4.1. expectations for dress
7.5. family budget for sports
7.5.1. equipment
7.5.2. travel
7.5.3. participation fees
7.6. expect team to be competitive
8. parents
8.1. balance support for athlete with sibling or family needs
8.1.1. may need high school athlete to be earning some of own money
8.1.2. may need older student around for child care while adult works
8.2. expectations from their experiences
8.2.1. lack of experience can lead to lack of understanding of expected commitment
8.2.2. unreasonable expectations for kids
8.2.3. living out experiences through kids
8.2.4. higher or lower expectations/commitment than kids