Hamlet Act 3 Mindmap By: Amber Andresen and Jake Wilkerson

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Hamlet Act 3 Mindmap By: Amber Andresen and Jake Wilkerson создатель Mind Map: Hamlet Act 3 Mindmap By: Amber Andresen  and Jake Wilkerson

1. cruelty

1.1. Scene 1

1.1.1. Ophelia Hamlet cruelly told Ophelia that he deceived her and never loved her, when in fact, he did. "you should not have believed me... I loved you not." (118-120) "Get thee to a nunnery." (122)

1.2. Scene 2

1.2.1. Ophelia The queen asks Hamlet to sit next to her to watch the play. Hamlet replies embarassing and offending both his mother and Ophelia. "No, good mother. Here's metal more attractive." (111) Ophelia: "'Tis brief, my lord." Hamlet: "As woman's love." (152-153)

1.2.2. Queen Gertrude

1.3. Scene 3

1.3.1. King Claudius Hamlet is cruel to the king when he states that Hamlet will wait until the king performs a sinful act, then he will seek revenge. "...know thou a more horrid hent." (88)

1.4. Scene 4

1.4.1. Queen Gertrude Hamlet was cruel to the queen when he spoke in a harsh tone towards his mother. Polonius was hiding behind a curtain, spying on the mother and son while the queen screamed for help. "you are the Queen, your husband's brother's wife, And (would it were not so) you are my mother." (17-18)

2. changes in Claudius and Gertude

2.1. Scene 1

2.1.1. The change in Claudius is guilt. He feels guilty for such an ugly act he did and says to himself before spying on Hamlet and Ophelia. "How smart a lash that speech doth give my conscience!"

2.2. Scene 2

2.2.1. A change in Gertrude is revealed when she asks Hamlet to sit next to her. Hamlet embarrasses and offends his mother and she begins to question Hamlet's state of mind. She is concerned but more disgusted by his behavior towards herself as well as Ophelia. "No, good mother. Here’s metal more attractive. (sits next to OPHELIA )"

2.2.2. The same change in Claudius is seen when the play occurs and the actor king is killed by the actor brother. Claudius couldn't believe his eyes when he saw what happened, stood in shock, and exited the play. Hamlet asked Horatio to take notice if Claudius reacts, in which he did. "(Claudius stands up)" "Give me some light, away!"

2.3. Scene 3

2.3.1. The guilt Claudius feels begins to weigh on him heavily. Claudius begins to pray for forgiveness when Hamlet comes in and hears Claudius "clean his slate." Hamlet doesn't seek the revenge towards Claudius because of the cleaning of his sins, so he waits for Claudius to do a sinful act. As soon as Hamlet leaves, Claudius states "Oh, my offence is rank...“Forgive me my foul murder”?" (35-53)

2.4. Scene 4

2.4.1. Gertrude's final change is that of fear and concern. She fears Hamlet after he kills Polonius and also is concerned for his mental state. She continues through the scene in this state, until Hamlet tells her that his madness is only an act. "(from behind the arras) What, ho? Help, help, help!" "How now, a rat? Dead for a ducat, dead!"

3. events (climax)

3.1. Scene 1

3.1.1. A major event is the spying on Hamlet and Ophelia done by Polonius and the King to see if Hamlet is going crazy due to Ophelia. Hamlet and Ophelia were talking until it turned ugly when Hamlet snapped. Hamlet asked where her father was when he heard a noise coming from behind a curtain. "(to CLAUDIUS) Gracious, so please you, We will bestow ourselves." "You should not have believed me, for virtue cannot so inoculate our old stock but we shall relish of it. I loved you not."

3.2. Scene 2

3.2.1. The next event was when the play within a play occurred and Hamlet designed the play to portray the death of his father. As Hamlet disrespected the Queen and Ophelia, the play made King Claudius react to the way he killed his brother. "(Claudius stands up)" "Give me some light, away!"

3.3. Scene 3

3.3.1. This event was when Hamlet prolonged the way he will seek "revenge" towards the King. Hamlet states the way he will kill Claudius when he is doing a sinful act, rather than having him pray for forgiveness and get a clear slate with God. "Now might I do it pat. Now he is a-praying. And now I’ll do ’t. And so he goes to heaven. And so am I revenged."

3.4. Scene 4

3.4.1. The climax of this scene was the death of Polonius. Hamlet said there was a "rat" "How now, a rat? Dead for a ducat, dead!"