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Tobias Lütke - SchnitzelConf создатель Mind Map: Tobias Lütke - SchnitzelConf

1. Legend

1.1. Nodes are drag and drop, place them anywhere you like

1.2. Use the + and - icons to expand/collapse nodes

1.3. Hover over the circle with lines to read attached notes

1.4. The forward pointing arrow indicates a link associated with the node

2. Where?

2.1. Where will Schnitzelconf be held? In a nasty 1980s hotel ballroom? NO! In a sea of fusty faux red velour that's been crushed by 5 decades of butts in suits? No! Behind the lion, up the stairs… Yes, we're holding our conference in Vienna's incredible Museum of Natural History! It's the center of everything, and so easy to get to, with scenery that can't be beat. And, by the way, we'll have the museum to ourselves. We'll have snacks and lunch in this very (gorgeous) lobby, and the gorgeous staircases and scenery will be ours to look upon while we munch, chat, query, and connect. It's gonna rule!

3. What?

3.1. You'll meet and learn from the founders of successful bootstrapped businesses—including Software as a Service, downloadable software, and digital goods. Hard-won knowledge will be shared. Fun will be had. Wine will be drunk. Inspiration will be sparked.

4. When?

4.1. SchnitzelConf is a 1-day, full-contact conference in Vienna, Austria on September 7. The focus: creating products, launching businesses, and charging real money.

5. Who?

5.1. Tobias Lütke Ottawa, ON

5.1.1. How to make money and then make more money Phase 1 Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Phase 2 eff the better mousetrap Build the better funnel and they will come. Every piece of the funnel needs to be worked on Start tracking data Phase 3 Understand the hell out of your business Know your margins How much money you gain on average from customers Know your churn rate Need to know your lifetime customer value

5.1.2. Questions for Tobias Pricing attitude change over time? Let's keep the company as communist as possible Since starting a company - completely opposite