Copy of How To Start An Instant Software Product

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Copy of How To Start An Instant Software Product создатель Mind Map: Copy of How To Start An Instant Software Product

1. Find A Niche

1.1. Insurance broker

1.2. Find industry association

1.3. Find their websites, look for products they sell

1.4. How do they sell their products

1.5. Looking for broker with office of 10 or 12 agents, not smaller shops

1.6. "Top 100 insurance brokers of los angeles"

1.7. Goto and goto Los Angeles and type in insurance brokers

2. Contact The Niche

2.1. Speak to the owner of the firm

2.2. Look for managing director or CEO

2.3. Send the email

2.3.1. If can't find the name of the person in charge Assistant picks up the phone "Hey Mary, I want to connect the owner of the firm to an invitation I'm sending, but I want to make sure it gets to the right person. Who is the managing owner of the business? Just to be sure I'm sending it to the right email, do I send it to [Insert first name] @ the"

2.4. Email says

2.4.1. "Bob I'm talking to experienced insurance brokers in the industry and your name has popped up. I just wanted to touch base and find out in your opinion, what the most important things are for the future growth of the industry."

2.5. Next call Bob right after sending the email

2.6. Get Bob On the phone

2.6.1. If get gatekeeper Act like you know Bob already "I've just shot Bob an email, I want to be sure he got it, can you just put me through to Bob please, just let him know it's John calling." 60% of the time if said with confidence they will put you through to Bob 1 in 3 times is also good. 33% It will be easier for the gatekeeper to put you through

2.7. With Bob on the phone

2.7.1. First thing you say You say: Bob I just sent you an email and I want to be sure you got it. Bob thinks "who the hell are you and why are you calling me." You say: Bob you don't know me. I just want to follow up on the email I sent you. But if you can just give me 60 seconds, you can decide whether we continue this phone call. Is that fair? Bob usually says: Sure. John has never had anyone say no. One of the reasons I'm calling you is because I'm speaking with senior people in the insurance industry. And identifying some of the challenges in relation too growing businesses within this competitive market. So I'm talking to experienced experts like yourself to identify some of the key challenges and frustrations and some of the changes that are having an impact on the industry. With a view too looking at strategies on solutions that can help the industry become more effective. Is it ok if I ask you a few questions? Questions are... How long you been in this business for? What got you into this business in the first place? What's exciting about this business? What do you hate about this business? What are some of the most important things that need to happen for a business like yours to flourish in this market? Whats the biggest frustration you've got with sales? If I gave you 10 prospects to your firm, what would be the conversion rate to convert them into an insurance product? How much does an average client spend with you? So you're bleeding $40,000 for every 10 leads. In this firm how many leads would you go through in a month? If we could convert one more deal we could increase your sales by more than 50% Is it ok if we talk through a way in which that can become a reality? If we automate this process and filter all leads who don't buy into a system, do you think we'd pick up an extra 1 or 2 sales from that? What would you invest to automate that entire process? What's that worth to you? Can I show you how we can put this process in place and you'd probably pay for the system in the first month?

2.7.2. Nearly 100% of the time Bob has not seen your email

2.8. Find existing software

2.8.1. Mailchimp Costs you $200 a month.

2.8.2. Tailor existing software.