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Solution Definitions создатель Mind Map: Solution Definitions

1. Saturated- When a mixture is saturated it is unable to desolve any more solute. You can change the teperature or pressure to get more of the solute in.

2. Suspention- Is when the particles are big enough to evenly settle. eg. in the right light you can see dust in the air, that dust is in suspention, eventually that dust will settle on the ground though.

3. Solute- What is desolved in a liquid to create a solution. eg. Sugar.

4. Solvent- What you put the solute in to make a solution. eg. Water.

5. Solution-

5.1. Concentrated- A concentrated solution is a strong solution that is more satutated.

5.2. Dilute- A dilue solution is a solution that is not that strong and not very satutarted.