Advantages and disadvantages of incorporating technology into a classroom

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Advantages and disadvantages of incorporating technology into a classroom создатель Mind Map: Advantages and disadvantages of incorporating technology into a classroom

1. Advantages

1.1. Social networks

1.1.1. Students use social networks and they can be used to learn

1.1.2. Faceboo, Hi5, Twitter

1.1.3. Help students in their ongoing learning, they develop all their skills, writing, reading, listening, speaking

1.1.4. Students can join an English learning oriented online community

1.2. Grammar

1.2.1. Technology offers suppot for descriptive and prescriptive grammar: Engagement and motivation Access to data Description Noticing / awareness raising Opportunities for practice Feedback

1.3. Vocabulary

1.3.1. Technology is an effective strategy for learning vocabulary effectively and encoranges learners autonomy Helps retainig vocabulary It possible to practice in controlled situations Learners can access a huge repertorire of words combitions or "chuncks". there are thousands of online tools to help teachers and students Vocabulary is presented in an interesting and memorable way

1.4. Integrating technology

1.4.1. Nowadays technology is part of the class. It has to be used for pedagogical porpouses.

1.4.2. Find the learners attitude to using technology for language learning

1.4.3. Using technology can be very motivating

2. Disadvantages

2.1. Students should know about ciber safety becasue they can contact unscrupulous people online

2.2. There is a huge amount of trash material, and it can be difficult to find something appropiate

2.3. The age of the students can be a barrier, some will be familiar with the use of electronic devices, some others may not know how to use them properly

2.4. It could be difficult to determine the time of use of the computers and the activities coming after them

2.5. Some schools might not have enoght resources and electronic devices

2.6. Each class might need an special pranning according to their requirement and characteristics

3. Done by: Estrella Sotomayor Ruth de las Mercedes