The History of Computers: From ENIAC to Modern Day

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The History of Computers: From ENIAC to Modern Day создатель Mind Map: The History of Computers: From ENIAC to Modern Day

1. 1: ENIAC

1.1. 1946

1.2. John Presper Eckert & John W. Mauchly

2. 4: The Integrated Circuit

2.1. 1958

2.2. Jack Kilby & Robert Noyce

3. 5: Computer Mouse

3.1. 1964

3.2. Douglas Engelbart

4. 2: Transistor

4.1. 1947/1948

4.2. John Bardeen, Walter Brattain & Wiliam Shockley

5. 3: FORTRAN Computer Programming Language

5.1. 1954

5.2. John Backus & IBM

6. 7: The "Floppy" Disk

6.1. 1971

6.2. Alan Shugart &IBM

7. 6: ARPAnet

7.1. 1969

7.2. The original Internet

8. 14: Modern Day

8.1. Mac

8.1.1. 1984

8.1.2. Apple Computer

8.2. Windows

8.2.1. 1985

8.2.2. Microsoft

9. 13: DOS & Lisa

9.1. 1981 & 1983

9.2. Microsoft & Apple

10. 10: VisiCalc Spreadsheet Software

10.1. 1978

10.2. Dan Bricklin & Bob Frankston

11. 9: Apple I, II & TRS-80 & Commodore Pet Computers

11.1. 1976/1977

12. 11: WordStar Software

12.1. 1979

12.2. Seymour Rubenstein & Rob Barnaby

13. 8: Xerox Star & Ethernet

13.1. 1973

13.2. Robert Metcalfe & Xerox

14. 12: The IBM PC - Home Computer

14.1. 1981

14.2. IBM