
Just an initial demo map, so that you don't start with an empty map list ...

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Butterflies создатель Mind Map: Butterflies

1. Parts

1.1. What?

1.2. Uses

1.3. Same?

1.4. Compare/Contrast

2. Defense

2.1. What?

2.2. Compare/Contrast

2.3. You

3. Threats

3.1. What?

3.2. Same?

3.3. Changed?

3.4. Compare/Contrast

4. Life Cycle

4.1. Stages

4.2. Duration

4.3. Differentiation

4.4. Compare/Contrast

5. Migration

5.1. Patterns

5.2. Why?

5.3. Where?

5.4. Changes?

5.5. Compare/Contrast

6. Foods

6.1. What?

6.2. All eat the same?

6.3. How?

6.4. Compare/Contrast