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TV Series создатель Mind Map: TV Series

1. Fantasy

1.1. Teen Wolf

1.2. Once Upon a Time

1.3. Merlin

1.4. Game of Thrones

1.5. Doctor Who

1.6. Originals

2. Science Fiction

2.1. Dr WHO

2.2. the 100

2.3. Black Mirror

2.4. Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.

2.5. Mr. Robot

2.6. Fringe

3. Drama

3.1. Breaking Bad

3.2. Orange is the new black

3.3. Vikings

3.4. Mad Men

4. Crime

4.1. Arrow

4.2. Prison Break

4.3. Gotham

4.4. Breaking Bad

4.5. Sherlock

4.6. Dexter

5. Horror

5.1. American Horror Story

5.2. Grimm

5.3. Supernatural

5.4. Teen Wolf

6. Romantic

6.1. Desperate Housewives

6.2. Gossip Girl

6.3. Friends

6.4. Boys Over Flovers

6.5. How I met your mother

7. Comedy

7.1. Friends

7.2. How I met your mother

7.3. The Big Bang Theory

7.4. Friends