How to be successful In life: 10 tips From The World’s Most Successful People

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How to be successful In life: 10 tips From The World’s Most Successful People создатель Mind Map: How to be successful In life: 10 tips From The World’s Most Successful People

1. 1. Michelangelo Buonarroti: Think big. This is not to look at the size of our goal but to seek to fulfill it.

2. 3. Phil Knight: Learn how to balance life. We can infer that success depends on whether we decide to be with peace or chaos.

3. 6. Mark Twain: Don’t be afraid of introducing new ideas. This means that creativity promotes success.

4. 7. Walter Disney: Believe in your capacity to succeed. Of this sentence I understand that imagination is the measure of success.

5. 8. Abraham Lincoln: Don’t let discouragement stop you from pressing on. This means that mental strength is the instrument to achieve success.

6. 2. Henry Ford: Do not be afraid of failure. It means that failure is learned.

7. 4. Leonardo da Vinci: Be a man of action. It means that the way to success is the experience.

8. 5. Theodore Roosevelt: Avoid conflicts. What it means is that sympathy is the best ingredient of success.

9. 9. JC Penny: Be willing to work hard. My willingness to work will measure my position on the scale of success.

10. 10. Santiago Márquez: For me the best way to achieve success is to polish our own habilities and use them in life.