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Bandura's experiment создатель Mind Map: Bandura's experiment

1. Observed aggressive behaviour will be imitated, so children seeing aggressive models will be more aggressive than those seeing a non-aggressive model or no model.

2. Children who observed non-aggressive model showed very few aggressive acts: 70% having zero scores for aggressive behavior

3. Background: Bandura's study is concerned with the tendency of children to imitate adult social behaviors, specifically aggression.

3.1. It's also concerned with the learning of gender-specific behaviors. Aggression is a good example of a gendered social behavior, being associated with masculinity

4. Aim

4.1. Aim: to look how difference in learning of aggression among genders

4.1.1. It was recorded in a lab experiment with controlled observations

4.2. to see whether children would reproduce aggressive when the model would no longer to present.

5. Results show that children who observed the aggressive model imitated more aggressive behaviors, both verbal and physical

6. Children can be mentally affected

6.1. Boys imitated more physically aggressive acts than girls, and were also more likely to imitate the same-sex model than girls

7. Procedure:in stage one of the experiment, each child was taken individually to a room which contained some toys, a mallet, and a bobo doll

7.1. In the aggressive condition, the model acted aggresively towards the bobo doll, including sitting, kicking, etc.

7.1.1. Stage 2: Experimenter returned to the room after 10 minutes and took the child to another room which contained attractive toys. They were allowed to play the toys for 2 minutes and then the experimenter says they can't play no more to provoke aggression arousal. In stage three, the child was taken to another room: assortment of aggressive toys, including a bobo doll, mallet, and a dart gun. There were also non- aggressive toys such as tea set, dolls. The researchers recorded the actions in 3 category: imitative aggression responses, partially imitative responses, and non-imitative responses

8. Variables

8.1. Independent variable

8.1.1. The action of the adult can change between condition

8.2. Dependent variable

8.2.1. To measure the number of children doing violent with the doll

8.3. Control variable

8.3.1. Bobo Doll

9. Method (Matched pairs)

9.1. Observation

9.1.1. 72 Children 24 Aggressive Male Model Female Model 24 Non Aggressive Male Model Female Model 24 Control group (No Model)


10.1. boy are bound to copy aggression more than girls

10.2. Observed non-aggressive behaviour will be imitated, so children seeing non-aggressive models will be less aggressive than those seeing no model

10.3. Children are more likely to copy a same-sex model

11. Who

11.1. Children

11.1.1. 36boys

11.1.2. 36 girls

11.2. sampling technique: opportunity

11.2.1. selceted from the nursery school of Stanford University