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Hepatitis создатель Mind Map: Hepatitis

1. Etiology/Risk Factors

1.1. Organisms

1.1.1. Virus Hepatitis A virus (HAV) Hepatitis B virus (HBV) Hepatitis C virus (HCV) Hepatitis D virus (HDV)

1.1.2. From Sexual contact Blood exposure

1.2. Hepatotoxic Agents

1.2.1. Drugs

1.2.2. Alcohol

2. Pathogenesis

2.1. HAV

2.1.1. Incubation period: 15-45 days

2.1.2. Due to ingestion of contaminated feces

2.2. HBV

2.2.1. Acute: 95% of adults form antibodies & fully recover; 5-10% infants

2.2.2. Commonly due to contaminated blood or unprotected sex

2.2.3. Chronic rate:

2.2.4. New node

2.2.5. Elevated serum HBV DNA

2.2.6. HBeAg positive in blood

2.3. HCV

2.3.1. Typically asymptomatic

2.3.2. Acute: 15-45% lose markers for HCV; leads to 55-85% of those to form chronic liver disease

2.3.3. Chronic: Aminotransferase levels range <40 - 300 U/L; cirrhosis progression

2.4. HDV

3. New node

4. Signs & Symptoms

4.1. Prodromal phase

4.1.1. Nausea

4.1.2. Vomiting

4.1.3. Malaise

4.1.4. Headache

4.1.5. Fatigue

4.1.6. Anorexia

4.2. Changes in

4.2.1. Taste

4.2.2. Smell

4.2.3. Weight loss

4.3. Liver damage/scarring

5. New node

6. References:

6.1. Sommers, M. S., & Fannin, E. F. (2015). Diseases and disorders: a nursing therapeutics manual, hepatitis (5th edition). Electronically published: F. A. Davis Company & Unbound Medicine, Inc.

6.2. New node

7. Treatments

7.1. Nutritional therapy/counseling/monitoring

7.2. Fluid management

7.3. Weight management

7.4. Prescribed diet

7.4.1. High caloric

7.4.2. High protein

7.4.3. High carbohydrate

7.5. Medication management

7.5.1. Antiviral

7.5.2. Interferon

7.5.3. Steroids

8. Diagnostics

8.1. Bilirubin

8.2. Viral Hepatitis Serologies

8.3. Liver function tests/biopsy

8.4. Complete blood count

8.5. Albumin

9. Incidence/Prevalence

9.1. Highest incidence

9.1.1. Those receiving tattoos

9.1.2. Blood Transfusions (typically pre AIDS epidemic)

9.1.3. Medical workers

9.1.4. All ages, sexes, & socioeconomic classes equally susceptible Especial HBV & HCV amongst African Americans and Hispanics/Latinos