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Climate Change. создатель Mind Map: Climate Change.

1. Burning wood

1.1. less homes and habitats for animals

1.2. Warms atmosphere

1.3. animals can die

1.3.1. different time for migrating

2. Cars

2.1. Pollution

3. Global warming

3.1. Earth heat increases,icebergs crash and fall apart

3.1.1. more heat waves

3.1.2. Higher sea levels

3.2. Oceans get more hot

3.3. hurricanes

3.3.1. migrating at different times

3.4. Death for animals and human

3.4.1. dangerous for animals

3.5. Warms atmosphere

3.6. terrible flooding

3.7. Wild fires

3.8. more evaporation

3.9. Polar caps melt down

4. Fossil fuels

4.1. Pollution

4.1.1. Global warming

5. Plastic in ocean

5.1. Animals die

5.2. earth gets dirty

6. Light and Electricity