1. Technical Support
1.1. Uploads are freezing
1.1.1. 1) At the 'Upload' window you are presented with two options: Add Files or Drag and Drop. Attempt uploading with the 'Add Files' method instead of 'Drag and Drop', or vice versa. <BR><BR> <CENTER><IMG alt="" src="http://secure.box.net/help/images/29.png"></CENTER> Yes, this has resolved my issue. No, I am still having problems 2) Click the 'Settings' link and select the 'Upload Settings' category. Switch the 'add files' type from 'flash' to 'ajax'. For the 'drag and drop' upload settings, switch to compatibility mode. <BR> <CENTER><IMG alt="" src="http://secure.box.net/help/images/28.png"></CENTER>
1.2. Web page is 'loading' or blank
1.2.1. 1) Please ensure that <SPAN>you are running the latest version of Internet Explorer 7 (<A href="http://www.microsoft.com/windows/downloads/ie/getitnow.mspx">http://www.microsoft.com/windows/downloads/ie/getitnow.mspx</A>), Safari 3 or Firefox 3 (<A href="http://www.firefox.com/">http://www.firefox.com</A>) Yes, this resolved my issue. No, I am still having problems. 2. If you are able to view the 'List View' or 'Icon View' button from the menu, then please try toggling between these two views by clicking on the button.are able to view the 'List View' or 'Icon View' button from the menu, then please try toggling between these two views by clicking on the button.
1.3. I am getting a "file in transition" error.
1.3.1. FORM: (basic technical support form) WITH: -Name of file that user is trying to access -Location of file in account OR the web link to the file. -Time that the file was uploaded
1.4. I am getting an "out of bandwith" error on web links.
1.4.1. The 10GB bandwidth cap will reset at the beginning of each month for ‘lite’ users. If you wish to have unlimited bandwidth, then please upgrade your account. I am not a lite user and should not have a monthly bandwidth cap. FORM: (basic technical support form) Yes, that answers my question.