Rooms in my house

Plan your lessons and the goals of your lessons as well as including important content

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Rooms in my house 作者: Mind Map: Rooms in my house

1. Flashcards

1.1. New node

1.1.1. New node

2. Notes

2.1. Lesson or Series Title

2.2. Goals of Each Lesson

2.3. Objectives

2.4. Reasoning

2.5. Content

2.6. Method of Instruction

2.7. Method of Evaluation

3. Toys and furniture vocabulary

4. Objectives

4.1. Identifying rooms in the house

4.1.1. Task

4.1.2. Prerequisites

4.2. Listening and matching objects to the correct room

4.2.1. Task

4.2.2. Prerequisites

4.3. Recognizing the written form of rooms in the house words

4.3.1. Task

4.3.2. Prerequisites

5. Prerequisites

5.1. Goals

5.2. Set context

6. Resources

6.1. Flashcards: teddy bear, bathroom, bedroom, kitchen, living room/Beans and a bag

6.2. People

6.3. Facilities