Plone and the rest of the field

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Plone and the rest of the field 作者: Mind Map: Plone and the rest of the field

1. System Management

1.1. Generic Setup Rocks

1.2. Policy Products are a great idea/innovation

1.3. I've conflated this with Configuration Management

2. Other interesting notes

2.1. The ECM->WCMS convergence dream appears to have died

2.2. Lots of vendors are pulling the "social" out of their WCMS

2.3. Open Source is likely not going to be a separate category anymore -- FOSS is like any other vendor

3. Word Conversion

3.1. There's Enfold Desktop

3.2. In general, it just sucks everywhere; people don't use word well, and word makes a mess of markup

4. Usability

4.1. This has always been one of Plone's strong points

4.1.1. We have great consistency and a content model that people easily grasp

4.2. Should get stronger in Plone 4

4.3. Advanced configuration often means diving into the ZMI, which scares nontechnical users badly and feels very 1997

5. Integrated Traffic Analysis

5.1. We let people add Google Analytics code to pages, and it stops there

6. Configuration Management for Business People

6.1. Again, we have Generic Setup, which is a good start

6.2. Exports XML, which we expect business people can learn to edit

7. Friendly URLs

7.1. Had that for a long time thanks to Zope

8. Repository Search

8.1. Default search certainly isn't bad

8.2. Not much in the way of facetted search out of the box

8.3. Tagging story could use quite a bit of work

9. Dependency Tracking

9.1. New link protection system was one of the examples!

9.2. It could be easier to know where a given piece of content is used around your site in the case of collage

10. Management Metrics

10.1. Plone could use some work here

10.2. There are collections for creating "queues" based on workflow state and expired content

10.3. This feature could bring lots of interesting capabilities

11. True Multi-Site management

11.1. Big strides here with 3.3 and Lineage

12. Non-browser clients

12.1. Again, there's Enfold Desktop

12.2. Otherwise, not so much