The Time Machine

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The Time Machine 作者: Mind Map: The Time Machine

1. Time Traveler never returned again after he left for the second time

1.1. Guest wonders where he's at: in the past or in the future

2. Why did he build the time machine in the first place?

3. Set in the UK in 19th century

4. frame story

4.1. A guest

4.2. Time Traveller

5. Travels to year 802701

5.1. Human race on the wane

6. Human race conquers nature

6.1. evolves into Eloi and Morlocks

6.2. Eloi has lost their physique and intelligence because there's no more hardship

6.2.1. Always happy, only eat fruits

6.3. Morlocks are carnivorous, began to eat Eloi when food resource ran out.

6.3.1. Live underground, really sensitive to light Like Human Spider

6.3.2. Has retained intelligence and physique