1. http://youtube.com/OurHighestWork
2. Ways to improve Your Podcast
2.1. Mira diferentes formas de reutilizar tu contenido para que tengas mayor distribución e impacto
2.2. Ideal length?
2.2.1. Supuestamente, "investigación" muestra que la longitud ideal es 22 minutos:: http://www.orbitmedia.com/blog/ideal-blog-post-length/
2.2.2. He escuchado a través de la vid que los más descargados Los episodios duran poco menos de 15 minutos.
2.2.3. Pero es mejor preguntarle a tu audiencia: qué podcasts escuchan a la mayoría y cuánto duran los episodios?
2.3. Expresiones de gratitud
2.3.1. Si solo son unos segundos, está bien al principio o en el medio. Si es más largo, p. un minuto o más, ponlo al final.
2.3.2. Es incluso mejor mencionarlos en las redes sociales o enviar ellos una nota privada.
2.4. Para hacerlo más profesional
2.4.1. Considere la posibilidad de externalizar aspectos de su podcast, p. tecnología, marca, alcance
2.4.2. Consulte este mapa mental sobre cómo contratar ayuda o externalizar: http://www.mindmeister.com/436857741
2.5. Títulos y Contenido
2.5.1. Asegúrese de que el contenido esté alineado con el Título y haga que Títulos más interesantes.
2.5.2. Ingrese al contenido de inmediato, sin minutos de pelusa, p. logística, chit-chat, anuncios ...
2.6. Formas de mejorar su podcast
2.6.1. Mire diferentes formas de reutilizar su contenido para que tenga mayor distribución e impacto
2.6.2. Longitud ideal? Supuestamente, "investigación" muestra que la longitud ideal es 22 minutos:http://www.orbitmedia.com/blog/ideal-blog-post-length/ He escuchado a través de la vid que los más descargados Los episodios duran poco menos de 15 minutos. Pero es mejor preguntarle a tu audiencia: qué podcasts escuchan a la mayoría y cuánto duran los episodios?
2.6.3. Expresiones de gratitud Si solo son unos segundos, está bien al principio o en el medio. Si es más largo p. un minuto o más, ponlo al final. Es incluso mejor mencionarlos en las redes sociales o enviar ellos una nota privada.
2.6.4. Para hacerlo más profesional Consider outsourcing aspects of your podcast e.g. technology, branding, outreach Check out this mindmap about how to hire help or outsource: http://www.mindmeister.com/436857741
2.6.5. Títulos y Contenido Asegúrese de que el contenido esté alineado con el Título y haga que Títulos más interesantes. Ingrese al contenido de inmediato, sin minutos de pelusa, p. logística, chit-chat, anuncios ...
2.7. Ways to improve Your Podcast
2.7.1. Mire diferentes formas de reutilizar su contenido para que tenga mayor distribución e impacto
2.7.2. Longitud ideal? Supposedly, "research" shows ideal length is 22 minutes: http://www.orbitmedia.com/blog/ideal-blog-post-length/ He escuchado a través de la vid que los más descargados Los episodios duran poco menos de 15 minutos. Pero es mejor preguntarle a tu audiencia: qué podcasts escuchan a la mayoría y cuánto duran los episodios?
2.7.3. Expresiones de gratitud Si solo son unos segundos, está bien al principio o en el medio. Si es más largo, p. un minuto o más, ponlo al final. Es incluso mejor mencionarlos en las redes sociales o enviar ellos una nota privada.
2.7.4. To make it more professional Consider outsourcing aspects of your podcast e.g. technology, branding, outreach Check out this mindmap about how to hire help or outsource: http://www.mindmeister.com/436857741
2.7.5. Titles & Content Make sure the content is aligned with the Title, and make the Titles more interesting. Go into the content right away, without minutes of fluff e.g. logistics, chit-chat, announcements...
2.7.6. Ways to improve Your Podcast Look at different ways of Repurposing your content so it has more distribution and impact Ideal length? Supposedly, "research" shows ideal length is 22 minutes: http://www.orbitmedia.com/blog/ideal-blog-post-length/ I've heard through the grapevine that the most downloaded episodes are just under 15 minutes long. But it's best to ask your audience: what podcasts they listen to most and how long are the episodes? Acknowledgements If only a few seconds, it's fine in beginning or middle. If longer e.g. a minute or more, put it at the end. It's even better to mention them on social media or send them a private note. To make it more professional Consider outsourcing aspects of your podcast e.g. technology, branding, outreach Check out this mindmap about how to hire help or outsource: http://www.mindmeister.com/436857741 Titles & Content Make sure the content is aligned with the Title, and make the Titles more interesting. Go into the content right away, without minutes of fluff e.g. logistics, chit-chat, announcements...
3. Repurposing Your Podcast
3.1. Consider having your best episodes transcribed -- post a job on oDesk.com. Here's my example: http://j.mp/1kq92E1
3.2. After transcribing them, you could have them edited into Blog Posts
3.3. The best Blog Posts can become a PDF "special report" or Whitepaper that people could download from your website
3.4. Eventually you may have enough content to have it edited into a Book
3.5. Consider also creating Slideshows summarizing the content -- upload it to http://Slideshare.net
3.6. You might also have the best 2-4 minute snippet of each episode (or your best episodes) edited out and put into a short Youtube video.
3.6.1. A "short" video according to the Youtube search engine filter is under 4 minutes.
3.6.2. Consider "stitching" together some of the best 2-4 minute snippets into a separate episode of your podcast
3.7. There may be inspirational Quotes from your content that could be turned into Image Quotes (you know those things people love sharing on social media)
3.8. I like to do my actual podcast in Youtube, then download the audio for the Podcast, so I have both Video and Audio. My youtube podcast channel: http://youtube.com/OurHighestWork
3.9. I also like to brainstorm my episodes on Mindmaps, which I then share publicly: http://www.mindmeister.com/users/channel/georgekao
4. Marketing Your Podcast
4.1. Audio extraction: http://convertmemp3.com
4.2. Setting up your podcast well
4.2.1. 1. The podcast thumbnail image has got to be great looking
4.2.2. 2. The title of the podcast and by-line are a balance between good copywriting & keyword-rich
4.2.3. 3. Same with titles of the episodes
4.3. iTunes is hands-down the most influential channel for marketing a Podcast. 60+ Million searchers each month. Getting it into iTunes "New and Noteworthy" will greatly help your marketing, and isn't difficult, but takes focused outreach in the first few weeks of your podcast...
4.3.1. Once you get featured in iTunes, your listenership will double or triple overnight...
4.3.2. The key metric is how many people have subscribed in iTunes. The best way to get iTunes subscriptions is to teach your fans how to do it (create a 1-minute video showing them how) then email it out to your fans. To email your fans you need to build an email list, so emphasizing some carrot at beginning & end of podcast (e.g. "The 10 Best Ideas Learned From My Interviews") is smartest for overall visibility.
4.3.3. Secondary metrics are: the number of Ratings and Reviews -- although because those are public they help get more Subscriptions.
4.3.4. Email your friends, family, colleagues -- your "warm contacts" that you've launched your podcast and if they would like to help you out, to subscribe in iTunes. You may want to do a quick video showing them how. You can use http://screencast-o-matic.com for this.
4.3.5. Post this same request on Social Media e.g. facebook, linkedin, twitter, google+ You can re-post it a couple of times, on different days and times, to increase how many people see that announcement.
4.4. The best way to get iTunes reviews is to individually ask your fans
4.4.1. https://plus.google.com/+GeorgeKaoCommunity/posts/hZytaau8aoG
4.5. At the end of your episodes, you may want to ask listeners to take a moment, go to iTunes and Subscribe if they haven't yet -- it really helps bump it up in the iTunes search engine and helps more people find the podcast. Even better is to give a Review.
4.5.1. If they are on the Subscribe page and they love the podcast, they are likely to want to rate/review it too.
4.5.2. Be sure to set up notification when your podcast gets reviewed http://reviewcast.io ...oops, they have gone offline as of Nov 2014. If anyone has another service to be notified of podcast reviews, let me know! www.georgekao.com/contact
4.5.3. Some podcasts cleverly get more people to Review it by regularly reading 1-2 new Reviews since the last episode.
4.6. It is known that generally the best way to market a podcast (besides having your audience share it) is Conducting Interviews...
4.6.1. Interviewing other people who also have a podcast (or an audience through a blog etc.) -- and if you make the interview interesting (and flattering to them!) they may be willing to share the episode with their audience. Make it easy to share the episode -- after it comes out, email the interviewee a sample tweet, FB post, email, to send to their people. See example here: https://www.facebook.com/GeorgeKao/posts/10103709088723273 Be sure to put the Name of the interviewee in the Title of your episode -- so that other fans of theirs searching their name in iTunes will find your episode.
4.6.2. The more famous your interview guests, the more easily your podcast will be found in searches
4.6.3. Being interviewed on other Podcasts is also helpful but harder to do, of course. Reach out to relevant, compatible podcasts -- about what topic(s) you'd love to share with their audience -- you never know who might say Yes.
4.7. Podcaster's Roundtable NMX 2014 presentation on "How to grow your podcast" -- http://j.mp/1rpaN1r
4.8. The best marketing is to improve your podcast such that people want to share it.
5. Working with an Assistant
5.1. If doing video, give your assistant manager's access to your Youtube channel.
5.1.1. https://support.google.com/youtube/answer/4628007?hl=en
5.2. Ask them to:
5.3. download the video, then convert it to audio
5.4. edit out the um's and ah's and generally make you (and your guest) sound better
5.5. add intro & outro music
5.6. add ID3 tags, episode image
5.7. get the Show Notes from you (or if they're up for it, write it themselves)
5.8. upload it to your podcast hosting service e.g. Libsyn
6. How to use this mindmap
6.1. To move around the mindmap, click anywhere on the map and drag your cursor!
6.2. You'll notice many plus-symbols on this mindmap. Click on any of them to expand the ideas!
6.2.1. Like this :)
6.2.2. And it's a good idea to collapse nodes whenever you're not using them -- visual simplicity is a good thing!
6.3. To enlarge the font, look at the upper left of this mindmap and click the + button.
6.4. Feel free to share this mindmap with others!
6.4.1. Here is the link to send to them: http://www.mindmeister.com/421842761
7. Set up
7.1. First set up an account where you'll host your audio
7.1.1. Libsyn - Podcast Hosting Services is the one I used
7.1.2. SimpleCast -- what I'll probably use if I start another podcast www.SimpleCast.com
7.2. Cover art MUST be 500KB or less...otherwise iTunes won't take it!
7.2.1. www.drpic.com and use JPG and quality = 75%
7.3. iTunes
7.3.1. Title must be 127 characters or less
7.3.2. Host title probably similar... mine is 104 characters and it works
7.3.3. Here's the link to submit podcast to iTunes: https://phobos.apple.com/WebObjects/MZFinance.woa/wa/publishPodcast For more details, you can read this lengthy page: http://www.apple.com/itunes/podcasts/specs.html General FAQ for podcast listeners, by iTunes: http://www.apple.com/itunes/podcasts/fanfaq.html
7.3.4. https://www.facebook.com/groups/OurHighestWork/
7.4. Social Media pages
7.4.1. Twitter http://twitter.com/OurHighestWork
7.4.2. Facebook I prefer using an Open Group, not a fan page.
7.5. Youtube Channel (optional)
8. Planning your podcast
8.1. Consider the main topics your podcast will cover, and keep coming back to those topics, either cycling through them, or having several episodes on one topic, then onto the next topic...
8.2. Segments might include
8.2.1. Music with a voiceover introducing the podcast, between 5-30 seconds
8.2.2. Context and getting people interested in the episode: What today's episode is about Why is this topic important 3 benefits they'll gain if they implement what is discussed today I often start with an inspirational quote
8.2.3. Sponsor message / advertising -- usually 10 seconds to 1 or even 2 minutes long
8.2.4. The main content of the episode The sooner you can get into this, the better audiences tend to like it
8.2.5. In the middle of the content there might be an encouragement to comment if it's a live episode
8.2.6. Summarize what was learned today, including any action steps
8.2.7. Give a call to action to visit podcast website or make comments
8.2.8. At the end of your episodes, you may want to ask listeners to take a moment, go to iTunes and Subscribe if they haven't yet -- it really helps bump it up in the iTunes search engine and helps more people find the podcast.
8.2.9. End with an inspiring outro, might include music At end of my podcast I say "Keep your thoughts positive, keep your heart open..." as my ending tagline
9. Audio
9.1. Options for recording audio
9.1.1. Audacity (open source free software)
9.1.2. iPhone / iPad voice memo app
9.2. Audio Hosting Options
9.2.1. www.Libsyn.com
9.2.2. Others www.audioboo.com looks like another promising option. www.yourlisten.com is a free tool, but your listeners will hear advertisements. http://SoundCloud.com (their podcasting program is still in beta)
9.3. Audio Editing Tips
9.3.1. As the host, you should listen to the raw audio first and make notes on major things to cut out
9.3.2. Send to your audio editor with those notes, and with your permission to edit out other small things as he sees fit (or give more specific instructions/rules on what you want him to edit out)
9.3.3. Make sure he balances out the audio levels between you and your co-speaker or guest, if any "Levelator" -- free online tool -- makes this easy to do
9.4. Keep the audio file size small! 32kbps or 64kpbs is fine for audio podcasts... most people cannot tell the difference. 128kbps is too large especially for longer podcasts (longer than 20 minutes). Smaller file size = more likely to be downloaded.
9.5. If doing video
9.5.1. Background Use a neutral, serene background. One that has pictures on wall can distract the viewer.