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Starbucks 作者: Mind Map: Starbucks

1. Economic benefits

1.1. Job creation

1.1.1. Number of baristas, managers, and indirect jobs from increased foot traffic

1.2. Community investment

1.2.1. Initiatives like the $100M Community Resilience Fund

1.3. Support for diverse suppliers

1.3.1. Programs spending millions with minority-owned businesses

2. Challenges for small businesses

2.1. Competition

2.1.1. Difficulty for local cafés to compete with Starbucks’ branding and resources

2.2. Market Saturation

2.2.1. Overcrowding with multiple stores in the same area

3. Cultural changes

3.1. Homogenization

3.1.1. Standardized store designs versus unique local café atmospheres

3.2. Loss of identity

3.2.1. Reduced diversity in community-focused businesses

4. Community initiatives

4.1. Third places

4.1.1. Creating spaces for work and socialization

4.2. Local adaptations

4.2.1. Customizing menus or designs for cultural integration

5. Gentrification concerns

5.1. Rising costs

5.1.1. Increased rents in areas surrounding Starbucks stores

5.2. Displacement

5.2.1. Long-term residents and small businesses affected by economic shifts