33 Strategies of War

An overview of Robert Greene's book 33 Strategies of War

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33 Strategies of War 作者: Mind Map: 33 Strategies of War

1. Introduction

2. Part 5 - Unconventional (Dirty) Warfare

2.1. 23) Weave a Seamless Blend of Fact and Fiction: Misperception Strategies.

2.2. 24) Take The Line of Least Expectation: The Ordinary-Extraordinary Strategy.

2.3. 25) Occupy the Moral High Ground: The Righteous Strategy.

2.4. 26) Deny Them Targets: The Strategy of the Void.

2.5. 27) Seem to Work for the Interests of Others While Furthering Your Own: The Alliance Strategy.

2.6. 28) Give Your Rivals Enough Rope To Hang Themselves: The One-Upmanship Strategy.

2.7. 29) Take Small Bites: The Fait Accompli Strategy.

2.8. 30) Penetrate Their Minds: Communication Strategies.

2.9. 31) Destroy From Within: The Inner Front Strategy.

2.10. 32) Dominate While Seeming to Submit: The Passive-Aggressive Strategy.

2.11. 33) Sow Uncertainty and Panic Through Acts of Terror: The Chain Reaction Strategy.

3. Part 1 - Self Directed WarFare

3.1. 1) Declare War on Your Enemies: The Polarity Strategy.[

3.2. 2) Do Not Fight the Last War: The Guerrilla-War-of-the-Mind Strategy.[

3.3. 3) Amidst the Turmoil of Events, Do Not Lose Your Presence of Mind: The Counterbalance Strategy.

3.4. 4) Create a Sense of Urgency and Desperation: The Death-Ground Strategy.

4. Part 2 - Organizationl (Team) Warfare

4.1. 5) Avoid The Snare of Groupthink: The Command-and-Control Strategy.

4.2. 6) Segment Your Forces: The Controlled-Chaos Strategy.

4.3. 7) Transform Your War into a Crusade: Morale Strategies.

5. Part 3 - Defensive Warfare

5.1. 8) Pick Your Battles: The Perfect Economy Strategy.

5.2. 9) Turn the Tables: The Counterattack Strategy.

5.3. 10) Create a Threatening Presence: Deterrence Strategies.

5.4. 11) Trade Space for Time: The Non-engagement Strategy.

6. Part 4 - Offensive Warfare

6.1. 12) Lose The Battles But Win The War: Grand Strategy.

6.2. 13) Know Your Enemy: The Intelligence Strategy.

6.3. 14) Overwhelm Resistance With Speed and Suddenness: The Blitzkrieg Strategy.

6.4. 15) Control the Dynamic: Forcing Strategies.

6.5. 16) Hit Them Where it Hurts: The Center of Gravity Strategy.

6.6. 17) Defeat Them in Detail: The Divide and Conquer Strategy.

6.7. 18) Expose and Attack Your Enemy's Soft Flank: The Turning Strategy.

6.8. 19) Envelop The Enemy: The Annihilation Strategy.

6.9. 20) Maneuver Them Into Weakness: The Ripening For the Sickle Strategy.

6.10. 21) Negotiate While Advancing: The Diplomatic-War Strategy.

6.11. 22) Know How To End Things: The Exit Strategy.