War of 1812

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War of 1812 作者: Mind Map: War of 1812

1. Cause: British continue to seize American vessels and impress U.S. sailors into British navy

1.1. Effect: Americans engaged in international trade deeply disturbed and seek redress from the government

2. Cause: France launches navy with the ultimate intent to invade Ireland

2.1. Effect: British prepare to defend its Channel coast. French and British navies seize American vessels.

3. Cause: American & British treaty

3.1. Effect: Americans agree to stop trade with France

4. Cause: Impressment (kidnapping) American sailors

4.1. Effect: British “impressed” or kidnapped American sailors and forced them to work on British ships. Between 1803 to 1812, the British impressed about 6,000 American sailors.

5. Cause: Western members of the House of Representatives (called War Hawks) want to expand into Canada.

5.1. Effect: Leaders such as Congressman Henry Clay angrily demanded war against Britain. These “war hawks” wanted British aid to Natives Americans stopped, and they wanted the British out of Canada.