![Mind Map: Under the Sea](https://www.mindmeister.com/image/xlarge/592447862/mind-map-under-the-sea.png)
1. About
1.1. The About page has an explanation of what the website is. It describes why I wanted to create it, and why I am passionate about it.
1.1.1. Video or Animation: Instead of having a regular picture of a sea turtle on my about page, I will create an animation of a sea turtle swimming to put on this page.
2. Home
2.1. The home page is an introduction to the website. It has pictures of many of the animals that will be highlighted on the rest of the website.
2.1.1. Logo/Image Editing: I used the photo editing website Pixler to create my logo for my website.
2.1.2. Canva Design: Instead of my current header, I will create my own header for my home page.
3. Contact
3.1. This page displays my email address and a picture of me. There is also a place on this page for visitors to submit questions or comments to me.
3.1.1. Google Form: I will create a google form so that anyone can submit suggestions for my website, questions or even things that they want to see put on the website.
3.1.2. QR Code: I will create a QR code that directs viewers to resources on how to help preserve the oceans.
4. Deep Sea
4.1. This page is going to be about the very interesting animals that are found in the depths of the ocean, as well as facts about certain areas of the ocean.
4.1.1. Video Editing: I will create a video that takes viewers from the surface of the ocean down into the depths of the ocean floor, highlighting what kinds of animals that live in each area of the ocean.
5. Coral Reefs
5.1. The Coral Reefs page will be about the vast amount of life- plants and animals that call coral reefs home. It will also highlight why coral reefs are such important ecosystems.
5.1.1. App: I will create an app where one can click on different habitats within a coral reef to learn about what kind of animals live in each one. Then, they can test their knowledge in a game to see how much they remember.
6. Endangered Animals
6.1. This page is going to highlight some of the ocean's most endangered species and an explanation as to why we need to preserve our oceans.
6.1.1. Infographics: I will create infographics to show the severity of each animals' endangerment in a visual way.