作者:Dan Taylor

1. Where?
1.1. UBC Robson Square 800 Robson Street Vancouver, BC
2. What?
2.1. The TEDxUBC event is focusing on the challenges for both academia and industry to match skills needed in the fast-changing workplace with skills that are being taught. Difficult questions given that some of the jobs people are doing now are ones that didn't exist even a few years ago. As the new decade unfolds, how should secondary, post-secondary and lifelong learners be prepared for a world moving fast forward at breakneck speed? * For careers that do not yet exist? * For a business and technology industry in demand of new skills? * To support global literacy? * To further sustainability? * What is Learning 2.0 or 3.0 anyways?
3. When?
3.1. October 23rd, 2010 at 9:00 AM
4. Legend
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5. Who?
5.1. Chris Kennedy
5.1.1. Students Live! Real-world learning at the 2010 Olympic/Paralympic Games
5.2. Elysa Hogg
5.2.1. Talk title
5.3. Basil Peters
5.3.1. Education, Entrepreneurship and the Future of the Western World
5.4. Barry MacDonald
5.4.1. Boys Smarts - Making Sense of Gender and Learning
5.5. Matt Giammarino
5.5.1. Remix Your Education
5.6. Paul Cubbon
5.6.1. Engagement: the un-lecture - a radical new approach to learning
5.7. Dr. Sunddip Nahal
5.7.1. Look Throughout History - Has Education Changed Today?
5.8. Jeffrey Piontek
5.8.1. Teaching Jetson Children in Flintstone Schools
5.9. Dan Pontefract
5.9.1. Mr. Classroomachev: Tear Down This Wall
5.10. Carla Rieger
5.10.1. The Art of Reinvention
5.11. Josh Klein
5.12. Bill Jensen
5.12.1. No One Can Piss for You
5.13. Alex Jurgensen
5.13.1. My Story