Inquiry: Conservation of Momentum

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Inquiry: Conservation of Momentum 作者: Mind Map: Inquiry: Conservation of Momentum

1. Demonstration

1.1. Teacher reviews relevant prior knowledge and conduct demonstration

1.1.1. Teacher asks for verbal responses to prior knowledge questions, predictions about demonstration, and explanations of demonstration. Teacher corrects prior knowledge before conducting demonstration. Before class, teacher sets up track with end stoppers and collision carts with addible masses in front of class with Elmo overhead. Set up classroom seating in groups. Ensure each group has its own track with end stoppers, two carts, and 5 addible masses. As students enter, ensure students are seated in groups of 3 to 4 and adjust groups for absences. Have students get out their lab books and start a new entry titled: “Inquiry: Conservation of Momentum” Ask them to write down what they think momentum is. Move to the display. Show them both carts and load their springs. Set carts in middle of track and press release button on one cart. Ask students which cart reached its end of the track first. Repeat and ask the question again 3 or 4 more times. While repeating, remind students about the fact that a force is an interaction between two objects. Ask if the outcome will change depending on which cart’s spring is released. Place the carts slightly to the left of center. Ask students to predict which cart will reach its end first. Press one of the release buttons. Ask which cart reached its end first. Ask why this is the case. What is the same about the carts? What is different and the carts? [Key terms: mass, speed/velocity, force, acceleration, distance/displacement, energy]

2. Hypothesis and Procedure