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Assessments 作者: Mind Map: Assessments

1. Formative

1.1. This can be done in an informal and formal way. Formative assessments help the teacher to gauge what students have learned so that he/she can modify their teaching to fit the needs of the students.

1.1.1. Ex: (formal)Quiz AND (infromal)Discussions

2. Interim/Benchmark

2.1. This is used to pinpoint where students are in their learning progress. It helps to track performance. It can also give the teacher an idea as to how students will do on a Summative Assessment. A teacher can still adjust instruction prior to the summative assessment.

2.1.1. Ex: Benchmark test, Practice Standardized tests. These can be used in any subject to determine where the students is in their current skill set.

3. Performance

3.1. Measure a student's ability to demonstrate comprehension by applying the acquired skills and knowledge in the production or work. (This involves higher-order thinking skills which are used to display comprehension.)

3.1.1. Ex: Demonstrations AND Written Assessments.

4. Diagnostic

4.1. This assessment is used to determine what the students knows prior to implementing the lesson. It helps the teacher to create a baseline which can be used to meet the final goal.

4.1.1. Ex: Survey, Test, and Personal Writing

5. Assessments help both teachers and students. By being able to understand how your students are progressing you can determine what needs to be tailored in order to make the material more comprehensible.

6. Summative

6.1. This is a "high stakes" assessment. It is utilized to evaluate what the students have learned throughout the unit. It is can done in a number of ways, but two include a final project, and an exam.

6.1.1. Ex: Final Exams Final demonstration project, and even Standardized tests.

7. Assessment Data

7.1. Because assessments are used to signal how students are progressing, this step cannot be the last, unless it is a summative assessment, there is still time to adjust instruction based on the needs of the student.

7.1.1. Grade 4 English Language Arts (Student 1: 25%) student scored 25th percentile will have 90 minute weekly intervention sessions 3X per week. (Student 2: 45%) intervention 30 minutes 3X a week. (Student 3: 68%) initial intervention to assess where student is struggling with the content. Pull Students for small group/Intervention weekly. Grouping Running records conducted biweekly Guided reading Running Records Writing instruction

8. H.O.T. Questions

8.1. Opening Questions

8.1.1. What are some strategies we can use here?

8.1.2. What would happen if ....?

8.1.3. What do you think the main idea is of this passage?

8.2. Guiding Questions

8.2.1. How can you describe ____ in your own words?

8.2.2. Why did you decide to ______?

8.2.3. Those are some interesting ideas, but more specifically, what does the passage mean by _____?

8.3. Closing Questions

8.3.1. Now that we've know _____ tell me what you can determine about _____.

8.3.2. Describe what ______ represents to you.

8.3.3. If you were the author, what would you have done differently in this text?

9. Assessments allow students to display their comprehension throughout the unit, semester, or even year.